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WATCH: Pierre Underscores Need To Respect House Of Assembly Conventions


Day one of the debate on the Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure which commenced on March 29, 2023 did not conform to the time honoured Parliamentary tradition which dictates that the Leader of the Opposition immediately follows the Prime Minister and Minister of Finance after  the Estimates are laid and the Budget Summary address is delivered to the House.

Prime Minister Hon. Philip J. Pierre emphasized to the Parliament the importance of respecting House conventions to preserve the integrity of Saint Lucia’s most august decision making Chambers.

More from Rehani Isidore:

SOURCE: Office of the Prime Minister. Headline photo: Stock image.

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  1. Says a man who is part of a Party who walked out on a PM while he the PM was delivering his msg and most recently prevented an Opposition Parliamentarian from talking. I wish Lucians would do like me and make the wise choice and not vote.

  2. To my recollection the Leader of Opposition used to be the last one to talk followed by the PM closing the debate. Because you PJP as leader of the opposition then chose to be the first one to response to the then PM doesn’t mean Chas have to follow the way you did it. You sir is the one who decided to break from tradition by being the first speaker because you have never been a leader but a follower, so please don’t expect Chas to do like you choose to do.

  3. Years ago I watched Parliamentary proceedings in Zimbabwe for a specific reason. Zimbabe had been run into the ground with a destroyed economy , politicians hunting down their opponents, money fleeing from the country. A horrible evil basket case run by murderous thugs.
    But if you watched their Parliamentary proceedings everything was ‘ Yes Mr Speaker’ ‘ No Mr Speaker’ with all the decorum like St Lucia’s Parliament today. But just like Zimbabe St Lucia’s decorum is a facade with incompetent thugs in Cabinet. Lies are par for the course. Musmanagement and incompetence the average output from those evil men only interested in their own self agrandizement
    Over 1 billion dollars borrowed in less than 2 years, inflation at all time highs, hundreds of millions of dollars siphoned from taxpayers in gas taxes, lazy self absorbed fools in government, high unemployment, low ridiculous wages for the average worker, politicians spending millions on travel and take. A compliant media researches nothing and reports nothing of consequence.
    But Parliament in St Lucia is busy saying ‘Yes Mr Speaker’ ‘ No Mr Speaker’ even as the people suffer and the country declines. What hypocrisy!

  4. Hahaha ha! Allen think he is a god. No Allen you’re not! So, it will never be your way . . . And yes, walk away, you cowardly puny human.


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