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Anthony: Vieux Fort South At A Critical And Delicate Point


Against a recent upsurge in fatal gun violence, Vieux Fort South MP Dr. Kenny Anthony has told the House of Assembly that his constituency is at a critical and delicate point.

“We know that Vieux Fort South is at a critical and delicate point of its existence. These days we’re on the lips of everyone. Everything you hear – ‘Vieux Fort South. Vieux Fort this, Vieux Fort that,” the former Prime Minister asserted earlier this week.

“Never mind that the issue of crime is a phenomenon experienced by all Saint Lucians throughout all communities in this country,” Anthony said.

“We have had mass killings in other communities before,” he stated, adding that Castries East MP and Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre had repeatedly made that point.

But Anthony noted that people always single out his constituency.

The community has become the first-ever escalated crime zone under new legislation extending police powers.

Anthony recalled saying that the events in Vieux Fort South might be a watershed – a moment needing pause and reflection.

“It is a watershed for the people of Vieux Fort South, who must face our collective pain and repudiate the past and the events of the past,” he told parliament.

In addition, the former Prime Minister said the events represented a watershed for the police to change their approach to policing in the constituency and work to win the people’s trust and confidence.

“I did not say it then, but unquestionably Mr. Speaker, it is also a watershed for the government – how it deals with the challenges and issues facing Vieux Fort South now and in the next few weeks and months,” Anthony stated.

Headline photo: Dr. Kenny Anthony (Stock image)

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  1. …..and the Jackasses that don’t reside here, has no family living here, do any business here with the exception of boarding a flight believes you and you alone Most Honorable is responsible for VF hill’s no matter how big or small. THE OUTSIDERS always find faults to complain about. Some are of the notion we need to be “more developed” from their “cosmopolitan protective” well to them I say we are both. St Lucia cannot survive without VF and to be VERY FRANK we don’t need the rest of St Lucia and we should SERIOUSLY CONSIDER A CESSION, because every dollar that VF makes 60 cents goes to funding those cosmopolitan critiques up North. The same applies to our water usage. We don’t need them, we have the lands here, our own ports and airport, water source (critical) and business .Let their be a referendum on statehood for VF I think this would go down well and let those Northern Clowns fend for themselves.

  2. I often find it ironic that despite Dr. Kenny Anthony’s three terms in office as prime minister, he can now solve St. Lucia’s lingering crime problems. Dr. Anthony is out as prime minister because he lacks the courage, political will, and gusto to challenge and confront the nation’s complex political issues. He was timid, meticulous, and overly cautious in his problem-solving methods. In short, he was like a ponderous judge thinking about his every move. Dr. Anthony appears to have gone rogue because he is trying to make up for his failure as prime minister. His bravado and bluster in the house are all for show. Not too long ago he called himself a revolutionary while in the house. If he is a revolutionary then I can safely say that he betrayed the revolution for 15 years during his terms in office.

    Prime minister Pierre would have to break from the past and forge a new paradigm. He needs the political will and courage to tackle the nation’s financial and social problems. Timidity, indecision, and fear of failure should be the enemy of PM Pierre. He should muster the courage to grab the proverbial bull by the horns and make a difference in the political landscape of St. Lucia. If the Barbados PM can have the strength to act as an international player so can MP Philip J. Pierre.

  3. It is clear that Kenny needs to go. He will always be remembered as a failed politician, one who represented Vieux Fort South and did nothing, absolutely nothing to uplift if. From the level of crime in the town to the horrible road conditions in communities like Cedar Heights, the constituency has for the most part been abandoned. And I want no one to say that Kenny couldn’t have done better – he was prime minister for three consecutive terms. Imagine how much could have been accomplished if he had a modicum of care or concern for the constituents.

    I have always argued that growing up, I always heard that the Labour Party was the Malaway government – but now I truly understand what this meant. That their sole intention as a political party was to make us dependent on them, thus keeping us forever poor. Shanty Town is a perfect example. It’s existence is as a result of the SLP administration who had no foresight to see that that area would have been better served with hotels and the likes. They only saw votes. So today I am “happy” the they are the ones to deal the wrath of the unsavory characters in that community.

    It is sad to admit but the UWP administration has been responsible for all major developmental projects in Saint Lucia. This is why Kenny should be ashamed of his reign in offices and should do us a favor and resign from political office with immediate effect.

    As always, he blames the police for the state of crime in the town, but fails to admit that his law firm represents some of the very criminals causing the problems in the town. He fails to admit that he depends on these very unsavory characters to win the seat for the SLP. So this is why Kenny should GO!!!


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