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Police Probe Attack On Businessman In Castries


On a Thursday afternoon walk in the Morne Fortune area, a businessman sustained injuries in an attack and had to seek medical attention.

According to reports, the victim was struck in the face and relieved of his legal firearm.

The incident occurred at about 3:30 pm and is currently under police investigation.

There are no further details at present.

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  1. Persons who go walking now should group up and arm themselves with Tools and when these Thugs attack give them to hold a very nice gift .Now St.Lucia have become a Crime Country

  2. Idi Amin, the man had a firearm and couldn’t use it in time. What other tools you think could’ve saved him? Having a weapon is one thing, having the skill, confidence and reaction time to use it effectively is another.

  3. We love to wallow in mud, that’s the reason crime have become so rampant and we are prepared to burn 🔥 our own homes 🏡 to destroy our neighbors!!!! Shame shame shame what part of Africa our roots stems from???

  4. Gusto, what does Africa have to do with crime in St. Lucia? Do you know anything about Africa?

  5. Crime seems to be everywhere in St.Lucia. BOSL what is going on with people’s child support money? Family court said they sent it to the bank weeks ago but nobody is seeing it in their accounts. Was it stolen?

  6. Somewhere in Lucia is a wasted mf reminiscing on how easy it was to steal a firearm from a licensed holder of this weapon. Somewhere out there is a mother or father or aunty or friend who knows that this mf is up to no good and does nothing about it! Saint Lucia will soon become a failed state like the USA aka don’t ask questions, just shoot to kill at the smallest sense of being threatened–“walk too close, ring my door bell, approach my car, drive into my driveway”

  7. Some of these guys be having these big hand guns on their waste. Everyone can see the bulge of the gun underneath their shit. They probably target him cause they know he be walking everyday.

    You go walking get a smaller compact gun that can be concealed with out people knowing you have a gun on your person.

  8. The law states that your license must always be on your person. I’m sure his firearm would have been safer under lock and key at his house, now we have a hooligan out there with little or no commonsense with a firearm to create mischief. Like George stated we may have to reach the stage in St Lucia where we shoot once we feel threatened. That’s a case that made news but I know of 6 others over the past 3 days where people were held up, beaten up and relieved of their property(cellphones, money, cash, wallet, you name it).

  9. I do not feel sorry for him . The wealth that he has, was built on the enslavement of my people for over 400 years. Has his family ever apologize for slavery

  10. @MAD MAX:- you must be mad indeed. According to you, all Lucians black, white, Indian or in between like Shabeen must stay poor, even if you work hard to gain your wealth? so Lucian Blacks must have ancestors from Africa, though work hard but stay poor, that’s your logic? this kind of racist stupidity we have seen must be stamped out or Investors and Developers can say to you, find black millionairs only for employment. Have a nice day.

  11. Mad max shut your donkey, he is a St Lucian by birth and a business man who has contributed immensely to the development of the working class in this country. So many single parents sent their children to school by selling softdrinks. We are too much of a homophobic society. It’s time we stop looking at skin colour and chastising people for it.

  12. MAD MAX…I think your choice of words is distasteful but I did think of the apparent wealth and land fortunes of those decendeants of our former colonizers. We as decendants of slaves have to work 10x more to even start a business if your surnames do not match the 6 or so that are privileged on island. is what it is! Back to crime topic…it’s sad to hear this happened but another part of me is elated that it happened to a prominent person than the average Joe…meaning it will probably be solved faster!!!!! Until crime doesn’t reach the doorstep of the affluent….minister’s….diplomats…tourists…magistrates it will not be taken seriously atall.


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