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Three People Rushed To Hospital After Motorcycle & Car Collide In Castries


On Tuesday, Saint Lucia Fire Service (SLFS) personnel rushed three people to the hospital after a motorcycle and a car collided near Massy Stores supermarket in La Clery.

Emergency responders received a distress call at about 6:23 pm and, on arrival, extricated one accident victim trapped in the car.

They also treated a second occupant of the car and the motorcycle rider for injuries before transporting all three patients to the hospital via ambulance.

SLFS Assistant Divisional Officer Mabius Francis said the fire service continues to be concerned by the upsurge in road accidents.

As a result, Francis called on motorists to exercise due care and attention.

He also urged motorists to ensure their vehicles are roadworthy before embarking on a journey.

Headline photo from social media.

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  1. Tell them bike man learn to ride properly before they come on the road. Alot of them just buying endless fast bike and they cannot ride properly…especially them africa and tracer bikes

  2. Saw a video that’s in circulation. Motorcyclist is riding fast and furious. A car stops to turn right. Can’t tell if the car is partially in the bike’s way. Suddenly, the cyclist is hurtling through the air like a gingerbread man. He lands flat on his front as he did a double slam. Hope he recovers and slows it down.

  3. based on the video the car was swinging into la clery which gives the bike right of way

  4. I will bet the driver is one of those new female drivers who was controllig the car with due care and attention and not fast. Which is what the Police, Fire Service and Min if Transport ask for. The day we realise that those so called Driving “Schools” we have are not teaching people to drive but rather control a vehicle is the begining of less accidents.

  5. @ citizen i agree with you and they always want to ride with their hazards on and you cant tell if they going left or going right which could be the case in this accident.

    @jermaine any sensible driver that cares for his safety and the safety of others will not drive their vehicle based on “the right of way” its all about avoiding the collision as best as possible if you can, its not about just having the right of way. So you telling me that you see an accident is about to happen and you have the right of way as a careful driver you not going to try to avoid the accident from happening to the best of your ability? What we forget is after we pass that practical exam the reason you are issued a license is because you have proven to the instructor that you can maneuver a vehicle safely and not be danger on the road.

    @el if you cant control the vehicle then how will you be able to drive? the same thing with a bike. When you go to do your practical exam the examiner will fail you before you even leave the lot because he will see you have no control over the vehicle and you will hit something or someone. If you have no driving or riding experience you think you will be able to drive or ride from one point to another?

  6. @ jermaine- does not matter if the bike was traversing the right of way lane. Sometimes you yield and navigate a turn safely but the speed these guys come at you makes it impossible to avoid a collision. It is time they revoke ALL biker’s licenses and start all over again to “weed” out the always reckless, intoxicated, un road worthy and always “mile high” ones!

  7. some drivers which include motorcyclist believe that because they have right of way it makes them robocop . well that’s stupid. some of you your right of way is surely leading you to your grave. use your brain . and some also need to learn to use their brakes to stop the vehicle and not the horn because they seeing the danger ahead and refuse to use brakes instead they stick their hand on the horn pad and continue at same speed

  8. There’s a reason for the defensive driving classes…not because you have the right of way, that means you shouldn’t take precaution…there are lots of ignorant drivers on the road who do stupid things on purpose..are you going to put your life at risk or allow your vehicle to be damaged just because of “right of way”?


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