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NCOPT President Bemoans Slow Pace Of Millennium Highway Roadworks

The President of the National Council on Public Transportation (NCOPT) has expressed concern over the slow pace of roadworks on the Millennium Highway to Cul de Sac project.

“In our opinion, there seems to be no urgency in finishing that project,” Godfrey Ferdinand told St. Lucia Times.

“We believe that more should be done now before the rainy season starts because we wouldn’t want to hear the excuse – ‘It’s because it’s raining that roadworks can’t be done’,” the NCOPT President stated.

He appealed to the authorities to expedite the work.

“We don’t see people working at night. We don’t see people working on holidays, so that in itself shows there’s no real hurry to finish and meanwhile, our members are suffering,” Ferdinand explained.

He noted that the poor road condition contributes to vehicle wear and tear.

Ferdinand also appealed to the authorities to block road potholes before the rainy season starts to improve Saint Lucia’s road network.

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  1. The chant people don’t eat Road before the election still stands remember, that’s what y’all voted for so I don’t feel sorry for y’all, just take it in your dada, we are putting you first by putting 2.5% more tax on you and having the most expensive gas per gallon on you.

  2. A government official’s tortuous path to the truth…offering off-the-cuff answers to why the Millenium Highway roadworks is at a snail’s pace:

    “…because: Covid?!” No! That’s not it!

    “…because: Ukraine war?” No! That’s not it!

    “…because: Budgetary constraints?” No! That’s not it!

    “…because: Protecting the victory?” No! That’s not it!

    “…because: Delays mean HUGE cost overruns; which means more kick-backs for the boys?” BINGO!!!!

  3. Poor choice of image as CIE is not the contractor on this project. Ray go sue you all for disrepute…as he delivers quickly even though the quality is crap and accidents involving his vehicles are as common as mangoes.

  4. Mr Ferdinand. We all know they waiting closer to elections to finish the road so that can be part of campaigning. Well you should know since you voted them in. Give them pressure please like how you were giving Guy. Look the bridge was handed over a long time ago. Was it locals doing the bridge? Let us ask ourselves many questions.

  5. The Contractor need to be replaced. It is the nastiest road works I have ever seen in the history of road works in St. Lucia. The bridge was handed over on the 15th of December 2022. Five months after and St. Lucians continue to be inconvenienced. We pay our taxes and deserve proper roads as vehicle parts are not cheap nor can we apply for duty free concessions on vehicle parts. PLEASE FINISH THE ROAD OR QUIT AND GIVE SOMEONE ELSE THE JOB WHO KNOW WHAT THEY ARE ABOUT. CO WILLIAMS never have money I heard so maybe thats why they cannot finish the road!!!!

  6. Who’s the consultant for that project he/she should be fired it’s been weeks co’s guy’s just deh nothing is being done on the roads except causing endless traffic

  7. I agree with the NCOPT assessment of the situation. Is it because the government lacks the funds to complete the work or is it a reflection of the incompetence of the contractors. This definitely does not bode well for the government that has yet to seriously undertake the completion of vital infrastructure projects like St Jude Hospital and the airport. Excuses will not insure their reelection.

  8. Can’t you see the road works are at snail’s pace just like the Minister of Infrastructure. He delayed it as much as he could to spite the previous government and now karma is coming back to bite him where he loves taking it.

  9. You can clearly see the difference between the workers of who built the bridge between those that are building the round about and the roads in that area. Some people have no honor in when they do things


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