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Dr. Kenny Anthony In CARICOM Group To Broker Discussions With Haitian Interests


CARICOM Heads of Government have appointed an Eminent Persons Group (EPG) to represent them to extend the Community’s Good Offices to the Government of Haiti and Haitian stakeholders.

The three-member EPG consists of Former Prime Minister of The Bahamas, The Rt. Hon. Perry Christie; Former Prime Minister of Jamaica, The Hon. Bruce Golding; and Former Prime Minister of Saint Lucia, Dr the Hon. Kenny D. Anthony.

The Group will initiate and oversee the Community’s provision of Good Offices support in designated priority areas, including security, governance, the electoral process, and long-term development planning and advocacy.

They will also liaise with key international partners and agencies.

A Technical Team, comprised of experts from CARICOM Member States, the CARICOM Secretariat and regional specialised agencies, will support the Group.


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  1. Bring back Papa Doc Duvalier. There is no other solution to this corrupt, lawless, poverty stricken and dysfunctional place.

  2. Oh ! Well well well The quenticential statesman he is but the Boggy Man for some…..which in earnest I should call his biggest fan Archieeeeeee (your school of thought today)……these people just makes me sick Kenny Anthony is the worst thing Caricom could have done look at his own mess in his constituency nothing but shootings VF is a mess he can even clean that up he already turn the place into Haiti . Since 1997 he has been nothing but a failure, VF will never be developed with this man and his cabals still been in existence, they refuse to finish the modern hospital the previous government started only Allen Chastanet can save VF.

  3. I don’t think that’s high grade that’s all for now Jenny has raise from the somber and this is what he brings to the table lets see de out come of this and how beneficial to the people of Lucia i will be following

  4. Its been for a long time, but I believe ‘that someone in the Cabal’ who never liked Kenny is the one this time who have dictated this for the Dishonorable one as a Comment. There have been instances when something written under his name, so highly phrased, to pronounced way beyond his limit of verbiage that it is known he has not been the original writer, but rather someone has been making his living as a writers’ side-kick. We all know when he writes his crap what comes out. Watch it now, he will reply like an elementary school kid, giving me shytt.

  5. “They will also liaise with key international partners and agencies.”

    Once Kenny Anthony is IN the Americans are OUT. So I won’t be surprised if he brings in the Russians.

  6. Kenny, you’ve always been a friend so Doctor I have one advise for you, be and stay the Big guy in this game; St. Lucia may be the smaller in every respect, but show them that we always had what it takes. The Soil in Haiti have been stained for a long time, something has to be done not only to help in the ways prescribed (that’s impossible) but in the way of putting aside the long tradition which has bedeviled, bewitched this poor land for too long. Over the years I have had many acquaintances from that land, all Professional guys and they all have agreed, the Cult is there to stay and cannot be broken. So my dear friends do the best you can, after a short time it will be necessary to do it all over again, and that’s not Voodoo.


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