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WATCH: Major Saint Lucia Cleanup Announced Amid Onset Of The Hurricane Season


With the onset of the 2023 Atlantic Hurricane Season, the Department of Infrastructure, Ports, and Transport has announced a cleanup campaign throughout the morning of Friday, June 9.

And the department has invited residents of several communities to get involved.

The exercise will include litter disposal, trimming overhanging branches and cleaning drains and culverts.

“We, therefore, invite all citizens of Saint Lucia to join us in this noble cause by participating in the cleanup,” Chief Engineer Renata Philogene-McKie said.

She acknowledged that the activity falls on a workday, and some residents could not participate.

Nevertheless, Philogene-McKie said the message is that community-based disaster management is not a one-time exercise but a way of life.

In a statement, she announced the areas that will be the cleanup sites.

The complete statement appears below:

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  1. My lady….what kinda curb is that opposite the Gros Islet polyclinic entrance. That thing scary wi!

  2. Here we go again with the clown show. Noble, is pure commie talk? Good for Lucians you voted in a leader with Marxist ideology. Pay your taxes and do the proletariat work as well. Also I’d love to see how they will accomplish all of the above in one day? If they were serious this would be an on going effort until we’re out of hurricane season, but that remains to be seen. This administration just has inspired any confidence that they can handle the job so to speak. God forbid we experience a major disaster under this administration.

  3. Some of you pay taxes ..correct
    However, most of the citizens of St. Lucia are self destructive to their own environment not realizing there is a huge price to pay for littering, as well as improper garbage and appliance disposal.

    I saw plastic containers, bottles, refrigerators as well as washing machines etc etc floating in the water during the most recent flood guys destroy your own environment and complain all at the same time…make that make sense????


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