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Minibus Destroyed By Fire In Monchy


On Friday at about 10 pm, the Saint Lucia Fire Service (SLFS) responded to a report of a minibus on fire in Desrameaux, Monchy, Gros Islet.

The Gros Islet fire station responded with a fire truck.

But when firefighters arrived, they found that flames had engulfed the vehicle.

There were no reports of injuries.

Individuals in the neighbourhood said they heard an explosion and, when they investigated, found the minibus on fire.

(Story updated)

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  1. There seems to be a “blight” on mini busses in throughout the past year or so! Saint Lucia is in a dark hole!

  2. Off course it will be engulfed in fire. Imagine all the stops you all had to make to reach Desrameaux when meeting all dem speed bumps. The Fire Service still cannot save a vehicle or house.

  3. To much mad man doing alarm and music installation these days thats why ppl ride catching on fire so…every month somebody ride burning smh


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