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Guy Joseph Calls Out SLP Over Plan For Election Victory Celebration In Micoud South

The 1st Deputy political leader of the opposition United Workers Party (UWP) has criticised the ruling Saint Lucia Labour Party (SLP) over its plan to celebrate its election victory in Micoud South.

UWP leader Allen Chastanet is the MP for the constituency.

“When your report card is blank, if they go to one of their stronghold constituencies, what can they show that they have done for the people there?” Guy Joseph told the radio programme Newsspin this week.

The former Castries South East MP asserted that the labour party’s choice of Micoud South is strategic.

According to Joseph, it does not matter what the SLP says there because Micoud South is not a constituency that labour represents.

“They have totally neglected this constituency like they have done their own constituencies. So at the end of the day when they go there they can talk any amount of nonsense they want. It doesn’t impact anybody anyhow,” the former Economic Development Minister stated.

Joseph questioned what Castries East MP and Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre would be able to report to the people of that constituency after two years in office if the SLP were to hold its planned election victory celebration there or in any other labour constituency.

Pierre has announced plans for a ‘massive’ celebration in the constituency of Micoud South on July 30 to mark two years since his party won the July 26, 2021, general elections.

“We have not had time to celebrate our victory,” Pierre told reporters on Monday.

As a result, he disclosed that  the SLP will hold a massive thanksgiving rally.

And the Castries East MP extended an invitation to all SLP supporters and all Saint Lucians to attend.

However, Pierre dismissed suggestions that there was any significance to choosing Micoud South for the SLP election victory celebration.

“Micoud South is part of Saint Lucia. We are an inclusive government,” he explained.

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  1. Tell me that St.Licians are not that gullible to believe such a brainless reason why you chose Micoid South for your victory celebration?.Or are we?Don’t know how to answer this question myself because you are the PM.Oh well give someone with a peanut brain power and that will be their reaction from fear.

  2. Guy it’s better u think again. You said it doesn’t matter if the SLP goes to micoud. Now if it doesn’t matter why should u make an issue about it and even come talk about it. So who is talking nonsense now.

  3. I, can’t comprehend Guy Joseph, comments. Not to long ago,the Constituency of Micoud South was given over $400,000.00, yet we’re hearing garbage being spewed.
    Think again, you can’t fool anyone in this land again. Another 5 year’s in opposition will cause you and your leader to become politically mad.

  4. If I was the PM I would choose Micoud South for 2 reasons. First there is nothing significant done yet in the constituencies that voted SLP in the last election to celebrate. The PM has nothing to boast about in his own constituency. Many of his supporters will be happy to go to Micoud South for the joy ride and to be on the oppositio’s main strong turf with the SLP ministers hearing them “defend the victory”

  5. With this choice, Micoud South will never again say that they were neglected. The SLP does not discriminate and their record will show for it. They have been able to capture the north, why not go for the south. This guy is just irrelevant. Blah blah….blah…

  6. The SLP are celebrating the SLP victory, not St Lucia’s victory.
    The SLP are celebrating the chance they have for 5 years to drain the treasury.

    I have mentioned numerous times their exorbitant expenditure on travel and take.

    Nothing has been more extravagant relative to a lack of results than the hundreds of thousands of dollars if not millions paid out to the Minister of Foreign Affairs as he globe trots in five star and first class accommodations.
    In ten years he has shown NOTHING of significance as a result of this blatant waste of taxpayers money except for an occasional press release and photo opportunity.
    Any investments- No!
    Strategic connection with any foreign body- No!
    Grants for youth development – No!

    Just think about it. On any one trip. Chauffeur driven to airport. Chi ching of taxpayer money.
    First class flight to some country. Chi ching of taxpayer money.
    Meal allowance. Thousands per trip. Taxpayer money.
    Taxi from airport to hotel. Chiching taxpayer money!
    Hotel accomodation. Thousands of dollars of taxpayer money.
    Travel around the foreign country. Chiching of taxpayers money!
    Where de money gone?
    Two trips a month or more. 200+ trips in his tenure as a Minister. 200 x $10,000 per trip = $2,000,000. And it coukd be more than that!
    Even if he only spent $400,000 the buffoon third world politicien has nada, zilch, nothing to show.
    Why do Lucians keep voting for the politicians that show the least results for their tenure in office?
    Baptiste anthony pierre king. Underdeveloped constituencies but we keep putting them back again and again.
    Something wrong with our heads!

  7. So after 2 years of protecting the victory, with turn coat SLP’s and non contributors to the victory you finally decide that you want to involve the foot soldiers and the people responsible for the victory. I just read Anon’s comment and I meant to comment on this earlier. I wonder how many months the PM, Helaire, Alva and Musa have spent in St Lucia since September 2021. I work at the airport and just this week Pierre and Alva returned from trips that they went to a day or two ago. I thought Chas loved the air and he was a butterfly but these 4 I mentioned have been on a plane almost on a weekly basis, no exaggeration on average 5 trips per month.

  8. Keeping a party in a structure or in a building does not mean that the building or structure belongs to you. Over to you our lying and disgraceful Pee M

  9. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha curry me this, curry me that, in the words of Bennie Man ” Dem have heart attack, Dem have heart attack” ha ha ha ha ha ha did this Clown not remember that Michoud did not go Red by a ( SLIGHT MARGIN), these fools forget their head Clown and Felix held on by a (SLIGHT MARGIN) RAZOR THIN Well if they are underscoreing the turnout in Michoud South by the Supreme Labor Party they are in for a BIG SURPRISE.

  10. Guy, you are my cousin,but I have to tell you that you are the cause of UWP to lose the last election and you will be the cause for us to lose in 2026. You forget 8 million dollars was borrowed to do the Barre Denis road including the wall by Happy Hour? What become of that money? Can you show anything you do for Barre Denis? Have you tell Allen to apologize for calling our cousin non entity? Don’t worry we are waiting.

  11. Let’s us see what will come out of it. The results may give Slp a true picture of what the people want. But I think that this move will create more hatred and division

  12. Re Article, I’m wondering who died and made this Guy the right to tell the labour party where to keep a victory get together on the island of St Lucia?
    He should verbalize that crap in his country of origin.. You are not entitled to tell us what to do here.. You can always leave any time..

  13. Victory of misery. Poor st lucians dont tell me you all will live your homes and go really with those mules.all they have done is to give ten thousand dollars to domino players and there are so many thing to lucians are still sleeping .the wavet and his crew need to get out of the way.

  14. Guy Joseph you did a $1 million audit on st.judes …when ask you said to people go online for the results…you should be hel

  15. Sigh… Just govern SLP. A victory rally 2 years later. No wonder the Flambeaus are still in campaign mood. Because you are too!

  16. Guy please tell us about the world bank investigators who were here to investigate the collusion and conflict of interest in the contracts that the project coordinator, PS and yourself awarded to Fresh Start and Teams. Tell us how much money the government will have to pay back and the sanctions that will be placed on us because of this corruption, collusion and misappropriation.


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