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Youth Economy Agency Launches Mentorship Programme


The Youth Economy Agency has formally launched its Mentorship Programme with the goal of developing the holistic entrepreneur.

Intended to provide young Saint Lucians with a special economic space to turn hobbies into entrepreneurship, and skills into business, the agency aims to carve out a unique space in the general economic system for youth entrepreneurship and business growth.

Further to its mission, YEA will conduct a six-month mentorship programme to support approximately 100 entrepreneurs between the ages of 15 and 35.

Twenty mentors with expertise and practical experience in a number of areas will meet with young entrepreneurs on a weekly basis to provide guidance, support, and practical solutions to promote a new category of indigenous business.

SOURCE: Youth Economy Agency

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  1. This is amazing. A step in the right direction. The next step is to help the secondary school age youth to learn trades, skills and technology that will help them earn a good income to support themselves and families. Those who choose to leave St.Lucia will be equipped with marketable skills.


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