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Bexon Man Dies After Traffic Accident


On Saturday June 24, 2023 Officers attached to the Traffic Unit responded to a report
of a Fatal Traffic accident on the Bexon Highway, Castries about 6:35 p.m.

The incident involved a motor vehicle and one (1) pedestrian. The pedestrian was later identified as Victor Bernadine, a fifty-seven (57) year old of Bexon, Castries.

Victor Bernadine was transported to the Owen King European Hospital (OKEUH) via ambulance.

Officers were later informed that Victor Bernadine succumbed to his injuries by a medical practitioner.

Investigations are ongoing in this matter.

SOURCE: Royal Saint Lucia Police Force

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  1. I suspect this man has no relevance in society. I have not heard a minister say the word SPEED BUMPS or about DRIVING WITHOUT DUR CARE AND ATTENTION. No one asks if the man was drunk and simply crossed the road infront the vehicle but already saying the motor vehicle insurance should compensate the man family. The one solution we know for all accidents SPEED BUMPS. AS WE PUT MORE SPEED BUMPS WE HV MORE ACCIDENTS AND FATALITIES Check the Stats


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