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SLTU President Says Education Ministry ‘Operatives’ Undermining Good Relations


Saint Lucia Teachers Union (SLTU) President Don Howell has commended the Ministry of Education for embracing the union’s Summer Institute initiative this year, warning against using the collaboration to get at teachers.

“I want to issue a warning to the Ministry of Education that they should not use this measure of collaboration as a yardstick to try to get at teachers,” Howell stated during the Summer Institute’s opening ceremony Tuesday.

“And I want to tell them that they must deal with their operatives in the schools who are creating a lot of acrimony in the system out of something that is supposed to be a positive initiative – professional development,” Howell stated.

“And so, I want to warn the Ministry of Education – deal with your operatives that are undermining the good relations that could exist within the education system,” the SLTU President declared.

Howell emphasised that the SLTU believes in collaboration.

But he observed that the goal was to ensure that union members benefit.

Howell explained that collaboration creates a level of industrial stability.

“When we have confusion – when we have tension, it creates a measure of disharmony within the system,” he told his audience, adding that is not what the SLTU is about.

“The SLTU is about uplifting the system, so yes, we are happy about collaborating and we also know that professionalism is of great interest to the SLTU,” Howell stated.

He made no apologies for asserting that the SLTU is about promoting trade union work, better conditions, and increased wages.

But he also said the union stands firm on the other pillar of professionalism, professional development, and contributing to the development of the education system.

“It is a profound contribution,” Howell stated.

He revealed that the teachers would be examining several topics over the next two weeks.

“Our workshop is targetted to ensure that it meets some of the deficiencies, the needs that we have within the system,” Howell told attendees.

And he encouraged more than 100 teachers who registered without coercion for the workshop to participate in the sessions.

‘Our teachers want professional development. They are interested in their profession,” Howell said.

Headline photo: Don Howell (Stock image)

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  1. At the same breath we the parents want results from teachers. Parents are investigating time and money and also when the system was manual parents was proud to go collect their kids results one week later most schools have series of excuses to deliver results, highly digitize as before and you get sluppy service. Booklist amongst others are part of a quick rich scheme. One school I was told paid 405$ for their kid graduation unable to get the gong, refreshment and more so a 8$ meal

  2. Thank you Mr. Howell – I agree whole heartedly with your remarks- The Ministry’ s operatives are the supervisors at the school undermining this collaboration

  3. I agree with Mr Howell that the teachers need an increase in pay.
    Who is representing the working poor and underpaid workers?
    The underpaid deserves a fair living wage of $10+ per hour for every hour worked. The Labour and Teachers unions should stand together in solidarity and demand a fair living wage system..


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