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Hilaire Says Saint Lucia Poised For A Major Take-Off

As the Saint Lucia Labour Party (SLP) marks two years since its massive election victory on July 26, 2021, Deputy Prime Minister Dr. Ernest Hilaire has declared that the best is yet to come as Saint Lucia is poised for a significant take-off.

“Saint Lucia is now poised for a major take-off where our people can now participate in and own the commanding heights of our economy,” the Castries South MP asserted Wednesday in a Facebook post.

He said two years ago, Saint Lucians voted and rescued the country from the chasms of corruption, blatant disrespect, and disdain, amongst other things propelled by the last administration.

” We are no longer barking dogs or jackasses,” Hilaire observed.

However, he explained that restoring economic stability and social cohesion had not been easy.

“But we persevere nonetheless,” the Minister for Tourism, Investment, Creative Industries, Culture and Information stated.

He said he was proud to be part of a government of inclusion, committed to protecting our people, communities, and culture and putting the people first.

“We will increase our social programmes as we strengthen our social safety nets and build strength communities. We will build a Saint Lucia to be proud of,” the Deputy Prime Minister said.

Hilaire also expressed gratitude to his team, constituents and supporters.

“I ask you to support and stay the course with Philip J Pierre as our Prime Minister as we continue to put you first. I will boldly tell you that the best is yet to come,” he stated.

” My constituents can rest assured that Castries South will never be the same again with this SLP Government,” Hilaire said.

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  1. MR Hilaire if that major take off isnt to provide cruise ships in the harbor during our slow/closed tourist season like the last administration did then dont come and talk there its months people who work there make US dollar

  2. Hilaire…I wish nothing else but the best for the people of Saint Lucia…there is too much potential in this nation for things to be otherwise…but here is the issue. What you are now saying now is the same things successive governments have been saying for decades, paying the people lip service. We are frustrated at the blatant political machinations on both sides of the fence….time to put the people first or risk losing the nation to anarchy….and by the looks of it, the anarchy is already in progress as evidence by the scourge of crime….we will hold you to account on these words you have now expressed…stop playing politics with the people of this country and move the nation forward..I urge you for the benefit of our nation to :

    – build a national theatre where the People can entertain themselves with theatrical performances… Sir Derek fought tooth and nail for this but no government built a national theatre…short sightedness if u ask me.

    – implement mandatory tertiary level education for all Saints Lucians… everyone should have a college education and if the citizen in not academic then have a route to achieving a skill beneficial to society. One thing lacking in our national is critical thinking skills and linguistic skills.

    – Institute a national service of 6 months or 1year for all citizens when they turn 14 years where they go and learn things like what it is to be a good citizen, national pride, why everyone is needed to make Saint Lucia progress, why every successful person benefit Saint Lucia,…etc etc…..this can be instituted in the schools, failing that perhaps and organisation can be created to deal with this.

    – implement systems to help single parent families and ensure that there is support for those who struggle….a struggling family is most likely to have delinquent children, they soon becomes society’s problem..

    – implement health and family education in schools to teach the young how to protect themselves from teen-age pregnancy….boys should be included to teach them how to be men and protect themselves and the female from unplanned pregnancy….trust me, you can preach, block, barricade your young but they will find a way to do their secret business…better teach them how to be safe ..

    – why not have a day where we can have a national dress day…and I am not talking about Jounen Kwéyòl….I am talking about a day when everyone dress in our national attire and there is wining and dining, music, theatre.etc etc..I would love to see both men and women walking the streets of Castries in national dress…. apparently my research uncovered this used to happen in the late 19th to early 20th century…

    -you must bring technological innovations to the young and send them to learn the art of creating tech…. bring new jobs to the country..there is too much of the same stale but sadly needed jobs in the country….we must think innovation and have your people who can learn by study, and create innovation….in other words we need scientists…

    – why can’t we not encourage constituency competition in song, cricket, football, the best florally decorated constituency, poetry, music, writing, culinary….etc etc..

    I can add more but I leave the rest to your imagination. The ills that are now present in our society are linked to the lost of community cohesiveness and you must implement systems to foster community. Criminals can’t function when a community is together and police will find their work exponentially easier when a community is together….and there will be less crime and people will not see the police as the enemy but as an ally.

    A nation perish for lack of a leader’s vision.

  3. WORDS and HYPE!! WORDS and HYPE!!!
    Here I am “poised” on the edge of my seat with great expectations – only to be deflated – once again!!! I am tired of this s**t!!

  4. The man always boasting about nothing! This Gros Lang, grand charge is all about distracting from the failures of the SLP goverment. A blind man can see through those tactics! No plans for this country except to access CIP money, line pockets and call rally every year to celebrate victory. Like we in st Lucia are fools! Can’t wait to recycle them out!

  5. Let’s see how u guys intend to strengthen the communities. If left to politicians who he communities would be fighting each other but with god on our communities we privail and we don’t let political demons destroy us. We recognized that we are a community without politicians interference. We are there for each other in sickness and in health, in good times and bad times and death. So hence why they cannot strengthen us as we are already one. All we ask of them is that they make life more bearable in terms of our Infastructure, jobs and basic wants. In my community I have never seen that happen under Slp regime but give jack his jacket happens all the time under uwp regime. Hence why I say to the communities do not let politics divide you. Stick together and vote for the party that makes life better for your community. I don’t support color anymore and although I may have issues with both parties but there is surely one that have our best interest at heart and this is the one we ought to embrace. Hon Hilaire we have heard this talk from the first year. It’s going on to the third year. I guess the final year will be the yer of the change. God is not blind nor is he death. He sees he knows and he will do what is best for his people if only we all rust him and be patience. Congrats on the ending of your year 2. I am sure some people have plenty of Ching Ching in the pockets and bank account while a bit for another is too much. My fellow stlucians community people let’s wait with abaited breath what is in stock for year two. Peace and love

  6. C-wiz, I totally concur with your suggestions. But let me ask Mr Hilaire what has he done for his community? The community of South Castries in the 2 years since he was elected. Mr Deputy PM are you there?

  7. There is no way I can believe Hilaire. He has made statements like this before. These are what I consider to be false statements. Hilaire, tell the people the truth – come on tell the people the truth. The people have been riding on a wine press – much too long.

  8. That’s right Doc we rubbing Salt and Lime in their wounds ALL DAY LONG.. This day can be equate to the victory over Hitler’s (WHITE GOD) Nazi Regime in Europe, the Fall of Saigon, The Morant Bay Rebellion, The Haitian Revolution, The Cuban Revolution, when Moses part the Red Sea and Farugh along with his yellow henchmen dived in.

  9. @cwiz…national dress day? How dat helping? Who dat helping? Da people now barely interested in creole day u think dress day will help? Choops….boys teach dem how to be men …wat planet u living on c wiz….look at the young men of today….look at the females…..with all dem bum bum exposure how u teaching the girls to have unplanned pregnancy? I am yet to Kno ur strategies….. nowadays u can’t even talk to some of them youth for their own good….they want easy life….. until then……

  10. @ C for yourself

    Perhaps you you don’t realise that society’s problem did not and does not start when citizens become adults….it starts when they are born into dysfunctional families and the vicious cycle perpetuates the chaos that is unleashed on society. If you don’t believe that raising descent children from the womb to adulthood when they can make informed decisions, then you have exemplifying the typical problem with Saint Lucian mentality which is complaining but never providing a solution and never seeing the wood for the trees much less the trees for the forest…you can either sit on your laurels and watch society burn or offer something meaningful. In any case females exposing their bum bum is not the issue…you never see a bum bum committing crime….in fact it appears Saint Lucia is more safe when bum bums are exposed… perhaps they need more of it….point being exposed flesh is not the issue ….the moral decay is as a result of failed social policies by successive governments….if you see wearing a national dress as not being helpful then again there is the typical Lucian mentality… short sighted, tunnel visioned but are experts at complaining and offering nothing worthy of note…I will spell it out for you, if you don’t see the benefits of such proposal…it engenders pride in self, pride in ones country and a sense of nationhood… people who engender such ethos are the ones who generally are benefit society….
    Sad to say it but some Lucians can be point blank stupid, no wonder our society suffers so much….

  11. We are no longer ” barking dogs on jackasses ” because we have now become political monkeys as it does not matter who is in power we fight each other on their behalf while they make off like bandits with all our country’s wealth.

  12. If government want to take off, firstly fix the roads…Get your infrastructure in a place of satisfactory level.


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