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Stakeholder Support Contributes To Bordelais Correctional Facility ‘Inmate Family Day’


Officials at the Bordelais Correctional Facility (BCF) have hailed the recently held ‘Inmate Family Day’ as a successful initiative.

The event, once hosted annually at the BCF, forms part of ongoing efforts aimed at ensuring the rehabilitation of inmates at Saint Lucia’s lone penitentiary.

Hosted on Sunday August 9th, the event facilitated visits by families of incarcerated men and women.

Structured with a special emphasis on reestablishing connections, the event was observed under the theme, ‘Reuniting Families, Restoring Bonds for Reintegration’.

According to Clinical Social Worker Mrs. Milissa Dupres- Roserie all accounts deemed the activity a success.

I must say it was a very successful event, judging from the favorable responses from the families of inmates, as well as the inmates themselves. There were approximately 150 persons in attendance and so we were very pleased to see so many families represented. The family day started at approximately 10.30 am and ended at 3pm.”  

 The commencement of the event was marked by a formal gathering, with addresses by the Assistant Director of Probation and Parole (Castries) Cuthbert Henry, and Head District Councilor, Joycelyn Eugene, who directed her presentation to parents.

“After the formal session, inmates were allowed to engage with their families. There were social workers and councilors on board off course, engaging families and making notes where necessary, because it is important for us to provide the necessary support, even after the Family Day. I want to note, that the names of the children would be forwarded to Mrs. Eugene, so that children could be provided with the necessary intervention, even after the Family Day.”

The conclusion of the event was marked with each family receiving a bag of groceries, a gesture facilitated by the sponsorship received for the event.

According to Dupres-Rosarie the event also proved somewhat emotional for attendees, and provided a sense of fulfilment to coordinating officers, given the success registered.

Officials anticipate that the reestablished ‘Inmate Family Day’ is can encourage positive behavioral changes hoped to further reduce instances of recidivism.

While an official announcement on when the next such activity will be hosted has not been issued, the Clinical Social Worker says team members are maintaining a sense of keen anticipation.

Expressing immense gratitude on behalf of the Bordelais Correctional Facility Dupres says the support of corporate sponsors and team members proved immeasurable, further ensuring success of the third execution of this activity.

SOURCE: Department of Home Affairs

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