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Truck Driver Rushed To Hospital After Three Vehicles Collide In Castries


A Saint Lucia Fire Service (SLFS) ambulance transported a truck driver to the OKEU Hospital Tuesday after a collision involving the truck and two cars.

The collision occurred along the John Compton Highway near the police Traffic Department.

Two vehicles collide in Castries.

Emergency personnel responded after receiving a call for assistance at about 1:43 pm.

The extent of the truck driver’s injuries was not immediately apparent.

But the drivers of the other two vehicles involved in the collision declined emergency transportation to the hospital.

Tuesday’s collision occurred amid expressions of concern from the Saint Lucia Fire Service over the frequency of road accidents.

So far this year, fire service personnel have responded to 623 vehicle incidents, transporting 849 patients to the hospital.

The responses were generally evenly spread throughout the months, although May accounted for the most with ninety-three.


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  1. You would expect the traffic dept of the RSLPF would enforce traffic laws infront of their own office eh? Like no right turn into their yard coming from the city….like no right turn out of their yard onto the Cas Gros Islet highway….like removing that bus stop infront their office that forces pedestrians to run across 4 lanes of fast moving traffic. There are too many important yet incompetent agencies/ people in the public service!!!!!!!On another note…Rayneau agaiiiin


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