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Freedom Coalition President Concerned Over Comprehensive Sexuality Education For Children

The President of Saint Lucia’s Freedom Coalition, Fremont Lawrence, has expressed concern over comprehensive sexuality education for children particularly the transgender ideology, declaring it would ultimately reach Saint Lucia.

Lawrence told Newsmaker Live on DBS Television Wednesday night that American culture impacts the Caribbean.

“My particular concern is that there is a growing agenda as far as the trans movement is concerned,” he stated.

Lawrence said he has observed an escalating attack on children as he watches television and does his research.

“Adults can do whatever they want with their bodies,” the Freedom Coalition President said.

But he expressed concern about not allowing input from parents regarding how children are taught about sex and transgender matters, telling Newsmaker Live Host Timothy Poleon that, ultimately, that would happen in the Caribbean.

“Sooner rather than later it will get to Saint Lucia,” Lawrence observed.

He compared the situation to an approaching storm, for which Saint Lucia must prepare.

“You don’t wait until the storm hits you,” Lawrence explained.

“We are putting the politicians on notice. I think we have to,” he stated regarding any legislation removing parental rights regarding children’s sexuality education.

“I honestly believe that ninety-five percent of Saint Lucians are opposed to the transgender ideology,” Lawrence said.

But he observed what he described as ‘deliberate attempts’ in the United States and Europe to indoctrinate children without parents’ knowledge.

And Lawrence felt the idea was to undermine parental authority.

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  1. They are confused and want to pass on their confused ideology onto our progeny. We have to multiply in order to survive and this concept of human living doesn’t add to our existence.

  2. I applaud your stand, Mr. Lawrence. Sadly though, immorality, corruption and godlessness comprise so much of the order of the day for so many Lucians, I fear the genie is already out of the bottle insofar as matters of godly sexual behaviors! Here in Saint Lucia we already have groups such as “United and Strong” that unabashedly advocates Homosexuality. Further, there are many closeted and open practitioners and sympathizers of sexual immorality (such as those who accept Adultery, Fornication, Homosexuality, etc.) that it is just a matter of time before formal license is granted to all of these ungodly practices that we already tolerate as a nation.

  3. Mr. Lawrence what about the Court case with the doctor and the medical association over using ivermectin to treat covid?

  4. And I am a teacher….Lord help us…..I don’t see myself doing that……I will need to step down someday….Not bowing down to any worldly force… Please and no thanks…

  5. Parental authourity has been stripped from parents from the time we signed up to the UN’s rights of a child. The intention is (and has been) to abstract the parent from the equation and allow TV, Internet, and the extreme liberals to indoctrinate our children thus transitioning the world from what is moral to immorality.

  6. I am so tired of people watching a few videos and googling a few terms, then calling it research. If you want to tackle an issue you must provide us with adequate support, so we know you stand firm and strong.

  7. Dear transformers. Don’t tell me I have to accept you for what you pretend to be now when you couldn’t accept yourself for what you really are.

  8. You will have to change the name freedom coalition. The LGBTQ community is espousing freedom to live their lives without discrimination and marginalization. You were opposed to vaccine mandate. It was an infringement on your freedom and human rights. The kids will get the information on television, and the internet. Why don’t you call for censorship of the media.


  10. Re Article/Comments,
    Since we are talking about the proactive approach..
    What is the solution?
    I propose, Teacher our children our values of our principals.. What say you?
    Inquiring minds wants to know..
    We can’t stop people from thinking the way they do, but we don’t have to follow them, and Who made them the Messiah?
    The Teachers have enough modules to teach including MATH..I think the parents these people who are so confused should teach them at home like the others and don’t interfere with the School systems.. Sorry to say, but we the family, Don’t Support and will never accept the fabricated story of immorality..
    I endorse my thoughts and observations
    Stop trying to force your ways to our clean Souls..

  11. WOW; am I shocked? yes at the rate at which things are moving; yes I acknowledge that we are living at the ‘end times’ and the ‘Enemy’ is throwing everything plus the kitchen sink at us. It is his old old nasty trick and he knows his time here is short; but what I’m bothered about most is his method of attack; he is attacking the most vulnerable – CHILDREN – the Caribbean people who seem to adore, and copy everything American, are in line for his next attack. Sorry to say but the worse is yet to come and be prepared; (Hawaii, Tenerife, yellow knife)


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