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Saint Lucia Police Participate In Drug, Human Trafficking Intervention Exchange


Traffickers prey on people who are socially and economically disadvantaged in various contexts, making them victims of human trafficking.

According to the United Nations Statistics, Human Trafficking Detection fell by 11% in 2020, and convictions also dropped by 27% compared to 2019.

The United Nations urges Small Island Development States to develop resource management policies to combat this scourge under the theme, “Leave No One behind”.

In order to meet this growing threat head on, the Royal Saint Lucia Police Force, through a robust and dynamic programme, with the full support of the United States Embassy and the Florida National Guard, through the state partnership programme, has embarked on a week-long exchange under the heading: “Human and Drug Trafficking Interdiction Subject Matter Expert Exchange.”

Thirty-one law enforcement officials are expected to benefit from this exchange, which includes personnel from the Customs and Excise Department.

The aim of this exchange is to equip law enforcement officials with the skills and techniques they need to swiftly recognize human trafficking victims, offer support to survivors, and end the sense of impunity that traffickers have.

The drug interdiction component of this initiative, also serves to strengthen customs and excise by enhancing their skills and knowledge on how to detect, prevent, and combat drug trafficking at our borders.

The Royal Saint Lucia Police is grateful to the United States of America for its assistance, which will go a long way in the organization’s fight against crime.

The Royal Saint Lucia Police Force is doing a commendable job in sourcing the requisite expertise to help decrease crime and protect the public.

The organization hopes that more people will use the anonymous tip hotline: 555, to report any suspicious or criminal activity they witness.

By doing so, they can help the police to prevent and solve crimes, and to bring justice to the victims and perpetrators.

Remember, if you see something, say something. Your voice can make a difference. Let’s stop human, and drug trafficking together.


SOURCE: Royal Saint Lucia Police Force



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  2. Re Article, it’s about time.. let’s get rid of Evil in St Lucia and get better wages for our labour/Labor.!
    We the workers of St Lucia especially the Afrolucians, Demand and deserve a better wages scale and Eradicate the slave wages system..
    It’s wrong for us to do business and paying the workers a slave wage of $9 per hour like Antigua just did, we should, demand retroactive from the date implemented in Antigua..St.lucia should now implement a fair living minimum wage of $10+ per hour worked to everyone… Retroactively from Antiguan minimum wage implemention.Date .. Currently… Folks! Demand your fair share of the island,.. The pie is not shared equally, to the Afrolucians.
    They are being paid Slave wages far too long..
    Business owners please share the wealth with your workers and enjoy Etopia.

  3. Lol u all have me laughing America told this any one wants to come here everyone trying to go up the road and you talk about human I would like to see the person s that’s doing and is a victim put them on the news please cause I don’t think any one want to be traffic here lol


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