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Albert-Poyotte Encourages Politicians To Be Genuine About People Representation

Babonneau MP Dr. Virginia Albert-Poyotte has advised aspiring politicians to show sincere interest in people, build trust and be genuine about representing individuals.

She spoke of the need for planning, strategy, and good support.

But the Minister for the Public Service, Home Affairs, Labour, and Gender Affairs emphasised the quality of sincerity.

“The most important thing is whether you are genuine about representing people,” the Minister for the Public Service, Home Affairs, Labour and Gender Affairs stated.

Albert-Poyotte explained that trust and commitment should precede entry into politics.

She noted that on becoming election candidates, some people are eager to help others.

“The people know that you are not genuine because where were you before that?” The Minister stated.

“All of a sudden, you’re visiting homes, and you helping children and you helping elderly and you giving them this and they say, ‘Ah, that’s a catch’,” Albert-Poyotte said.

She explained that people realise that such political aspirants were not there before helping them, did not belong to any group or organisation or had time for others.

“‘And all of a sudden, you are so concerned about us?’ The people watch these things,” the MP noted.

She advised people who want to enter politics to start building relationships now.

“Invest your time. You do not have money, but you have time, and that time, you will give it voluntarily. You will assist people, and therefore, they are going to build that trust,” Albert-Poyotte asserted.

“So the day you say, ‘I want to be a politician’, they say, ”Just continue because you have already started’,” she declared.

The Minister spoke at the launch of a Women in Politics training course hosted by the Caribbean Women In Leadership Saint Lucia national chapter.



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  1. I don’t think Albert-Poyotte understands what we expect from politicians. “Genuine” does not cut it – too subjective; easily excuses a failure of stewardship.

    We need much more than intent – we need representatives who are resolutely focused to act on meeting the needs of every single citizen of St. Lucia; every day!

  2. I hope you are demonstrating what u are preaching because the women I. The present slp are the most not genuine type I have come across. I thought women were more genuine, compassionate, honest, dependable and so you guys would help mske a difference but oh was I wrong. I suppose you think you are more attractive or noticeable to act like you guys have balls and become like men. As for the choiseul one preach it to her if she ever think of
    Going up again but now everyone knows who she really is. A user of people. None genuine, but in truth this is good advice for some of our upuths who may want to follow that path. Some of you are already doing a good job by putting people first kept it up . We want clean, trust worthy, genuine. People who genuinely care about others to be our future politicians. Not those who want only for themselves and their family and friends. Not those the more they have the more they want . We need honest politicians in Stlucia. Let’s work together and pray to gods that we come up with such a breed. I cannot wait to see some of these selfish people be put out next election. Stlucians remember we need true hod fearing people to lead us. Peace and love

  3. Aa but u can tell King and the rest that when u see them. Ho wis us u telling that. Aa. Smh. Politicians here believe their role is hire supporters to cut grass by the road. That’s the genuine representation that the ppl get. They will be genuinely gvn a cutting grass job. Imagine instead of expanding the section of road near Rodney Bay Politicians busy gvn ppl contract to cut the grass on the side of the road that could easily paved as it already has base material.

  4. SACR’E BLEU…..a sleazy social group seeking new inmates to continue running the Asylum. The present inmates haven’t yet learnt to build a better mouse trap, so they sent a failed one accompanied by one failing pretender not in any position to say to anyone, Sit Down……..what the people want/need are Jobs, better pay, social safety/security, better Roads, Housing in fact a better, as promised at Election time, not empty promises. Who there are to give newer and better advise to any potential ‘Inmate’ the required trappings to run a better Asylum? I see two caught in an unrelenting Trap for the next two to three years. May God help us.

  5. Hilarious. When she was in the union, causing mayhem just to forward her party’s political agenda, she didn’t give a gall bwoispeh about the union membership or the country.


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