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Family In Mourning At Death Of 79-Year-Old After Ambulance Crash In Dennery


A Dennery family was plunged into mourning after a 79-year-old man being transported to the OKEU hospital via ambulance was pronounced dead after the vehicle crashed into a house Wednesday morning.

The deceased has been identified as Aubrey William, alias Mason.

“My father was sick. They called the ambulance and on the way bringing him to the hospital, the ambulance had an accident, and my father died through that accident. He fly out the vehicle,” William’s daughter told reporters.

She disclosed that she saw the body at the hospital.

“I think his neck broke,” the daughter, Deborah Felicien, stated.

She said she felt bad about how her father died, describing the deceased farmer as a good man.

After the ambulance crashed, emergency responders had to extricate the driver from the wreckage of his vehicle.

The ambulance driver, a young woman who was accompanying the deceased elderly patient, and a woman emergency responder who was also in the vehicle were all transported to the hospital for treatment.

The matter is under investigation.

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  1. I do not have words to express condoléances to the famillies at such a moments 😭💜
    Heavenly Father, bring light of the darkness and revelation on this matter…
    Let us not judge ⚖️ too soon, prayers also for the driver

  2. Patient is strapped into stretcher. Stretcher is affixed by clamps to vehicle (ambulance). Standard operating procedure. So how does he “fly out the vehicle”? Driver and all passengers, including patient and accompanying next of kin are supposed to be belted in. Especially in an ambulance, where speeding is to be expected in an emergency.
    Of course, there are no standard operating procedures in St Lucia. As are there no adequate guard rails on most of our roads, despite the frequent occurrence of accidents where vehicles go over precipices. Nor is there scheduled maintenance checks on anything, especially medically related.
    Next verse, same as the first.

  3. Well Pop’s a so it go…..the Almighty send for you and that’s all she wrote, no ambulance nothing could have saved you when it’s your time. What are the odds you are on your way to the hospital via ambulance and it crash and you gone home Jah works. His majesty said come home now.

  4. God forbid this rock.. it so so wrong. Why it takes life to fix an issue. How can we become so sloppy with our basics. Pap may your soul rest in peace

  5. I know everyone is in title to their opinion, but sometimes the things that comes out of some people’s mouth is disgusting?

  6. Condolences to the family of the deceased. This incident may seem tragic but the reality is the deceased was dead before the accident and the family knows that. The man had no vitals when assessed by the firemen before transporting him. Good thing is that the postmortem will determine whether death was before or after the crash.

  7. For the family of Aubrey William. I am sorry for your horrible loss. Please have the strength and the courage to sue the pants off the ambulance company. Ruin them. It’s time. Sht them down.


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