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Student Rushed To Hospital After Being Stabbed In Castries

Emergency personnel from the Saint Lucia Fire Service (SLFS) rushed a male student to the OKEU Hospital after he sustained stab wounds on Micoud Street.

A video posted on social media showed a student in St. Mary’s College uniform on the floor of an establishment.

His white shirt was blood-stained.

The circumstances surrounding the stabbing were not immediately apparent.

But, according to reports, the young man sustained two penetrating wounds to the left arm and one to the waist.

The Saint Lucia Fire Service received a call for assistance after 3:00 p.m.

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  1. I felt this in my belly. What the hell is going on in this country. Why my people. This is the straw which break the camels back. What evil is this?

  2. All school kids should be search from “top” to “button” both male and female. By a male and female security guard. It’s getting out of hand that these people children to much

  3. Everybody chatting the usual crap what could Pierre have done ??? When the children goes thru the gate the state is responsible for them when they leave that’s on the parents. He must have been stabed by another student. You notice this stabbing took place just like the other one AFTER THEY LEAVE SCHOOL. They are not going on school grounds with weaponds they hide it by the road.

  4. Look at the trend every week now its a school kid soon it will boiled down to primary school. One fatal incident will encourage the minister and other just to talk more but do nothing less. When I was calling for the banning of cell phones among other things the drive was opposite so deal with the circumstances. Sadly, it must go out of proportion, and it must hit international news and when sanction levied then the blame game circus begins. Every teacher and security guards on school compound esp. secondary and some primary school knows of the drugs trafficking that’s taking place. One principal at a major secondary school on the high way always worm her way out to avoid being questioned. When they speak at orientations you feel as if you are in sinful school but it is completely opposite.

  5. The chicken has come home to be barbecued. I was a a meeting at Chesterfield a few years ago. When Vernon Francios was willing to deploy officers to help students go home before dark. Some principals were against it. I vividly recall one saying the chicken have nowhere to go after dismissal. I said then, that they are not coming from under a rock before school, so they should go home after school.

  6. I don’t think this is only government to deal with our children but we parent are to be blamed mostly. It’s starts with preschool ,them bringing home what’s not theirs and we say they are just children ,oh no that’s stealing. Now we can’t even correct someone’s children because of fear that the parent and even the child curse us out,so this problem s belong to us . If we look back at our lives ,teenage pregnancy didn’t just start. Let’s look at our selves and see our children in us or should I say we in our children “character”

  7. The kids are already programmed to kill. All those games they play promote killing. Seems they cannot differentiate between the game world and reality. All of them are walking round like zombies rushing home to kill on the screen. Need to get them away from screens..phones..Nintendo etc. The countries making the violent games sell to us or make games available but it’s banned in their country

  8. SLU is a Reactive Society. This means they only react when something happens. This is not the first time School children have gotten into trouble or violate the law. What lessons were learnt in the previous scenarios and what measures were put in place to avoid ongoing issues such as this one. I am sure if the question was asked those in authority will not remember of any incidents which they investigated. This simply tells us there was no record keeping and for sure there was no investigation done. This is the problem right there. People change, generations change and the behavior is expected to be very different. What has not changed is our approach on how we handle these changes. When somethings happen, we call the police, they might show up or sometimes they might not show up. Some times if they do show they are not equipped to even take a picture of the crime scene. They have no tools to collect evidence. We just continue to make the same mistakes all the time in our approach and the people we hire as civil servants. Our approach needs to change at all levels. Another good scenario is about the man who got butchered in Micoud. Only now we have ministers of government and the police coming out publicly to talk. The guy did not get mad in a week. This individual although I do not know him must have been sick for years to get to that point where he can kill somebody. Was there anything done to help him ? Was he reported before and the authorities as usual did nothing about it ? We need to be a more proactive nation if we are to see a change in behavior of our students, sick among us, criminals etc. We cannot expect the same approach and then call for change. The the developed world, government would be paying a lot of lawsuits for negligence. The family of the murdered man in Micoud should really talk to a lawyer to bring about a lawsuit against the government of St. Lucia. This is just negligence at the police level and the ministers for not putting measures in place to help the sick among us.

  9. Why are you’ll people talking as if it’s a student that did the crime? People read to understand. I heard someone tried or did rob his phone.

  10. This is sad for our island. Our brightest young men are falling victim to criminal violence. There is something wrong with the system. Our education system needs to teach social skills and conflict resolution at all grade levels.

  11. I am neither SLP or UWP ….however before and after school it is a PARENT/CARETAKER responsibility. If you bend a tree while it is young and bring your children up in the proper manner …they will focus on their education which is their job at the moment.

    I left St. Lucia at a young age ..hailing from a family of 10 siblings total. We were disciplined when we decided to do our own thing….so very grateful and thankful. We each had assigned chores to help with the upkeep of the household and we all excelled in academics. We were taught never envy and DO NOT bring anything home which the family did not purchase..not even a pencil. We were taught to stay away from bad company and never be a follower. To this day, I do not follow anyone ..

    Currently, there are several nurses, engineers, IT specialist, healthcare administrators, business owners, financial advisors, educators to name a few within our family. I say this because not because we are special but because I know firsthand ANYONE who commits and studies can excel.

    Let’s be honest, St. Lucia birthed 2 noble prize winners ….do you know what it took for these men to get such prestigious awards. Come on people you guys are so much better. Go home after school and study perhaps you could become an inventor or scientist etc. etc.

    Do you honestly believe the government is responsible for your disobedient and disorderly kids????parents do your job 4 real. Some Lucians blame the government if the chicken cross the road…as citizens you all are responsible for yourselves and your family. Godspeed

  12. Did not mention the social media…
    To be poor is not a crime,yet lacks nothing ❗
    But since money is the roots of all😈 evil, the blame talk is there is no work, encouraging rebellion, which causes desolation ❗


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