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Kwéyòl Language To Be Included In Saint Lucia Schools Curricula

by Virgil Leonty

The teaching of Kwéyòl language will soon be introduced into Saint Lucian schools as part of the education curriculum.

It reflects continued efforts by the Government of Saint Lucia to preserve the island’s rich cultural heritage.

Making the disclosure was the Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Tourism, Creative Industries, Culture and Tourism, Hon. Guibion Ferdinand, speaking at the launch of Creole Heritage Month.

According to Ferdinand, it is important that children learn their Kwéyòl history, traditions, and the history of Saint Lucia and the Caribbean.

“It is not only the history of Great Britain and Europe which will be taught,” he said. “The government will ensure that Kwéyòl traditions gain greater prominence because if we don’t teach the next generation, the culture will die.”

Hon. Guibion Ferdinand said the Government of Saint Lucia will ensure that matters relating to the Saint Lucian identity will be given the value and importance that it deserves.

Mwa Éwitaj Kwéyòl will be celebrated in October.

SOURCE: Government Information Service

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  1. Lol. To use where exactly? Martinique? Dominica? Guadeloupe? 1M people. If we add Haiti that takes it to 13M people. In a global population of 8 BILLION. I’m all for preserving culture but how useful will that be given limited resources and plunder of these resources. The world order is shifting. We need to start looking past the colonial terrorists. Why not put those resources into learning Mandarin or Russian or some other language of the far east? This would make our students more competitive globally. Sadly we don’t have any forward thinkers in authority. An asylum masquerading as a country.

  2. It’s about time man. bring back la rose and La magertite . teach it in schools, include it as october festival month and journay kewyol , keep the tradition alive. teach quadrille dancing in schools we can’t let the cuture die in favor of lbgtq

  3. I suggest you also teach the children about their great ancestors from Africa that built mighty empires like the Mali empire, Songhai empire, Yoruba empire, Ghanaian empire etc etc before they we enslaved..and not forgetting the founding of the ancient Egyptian empire… Africa as the cradle of humanity has great history that is being ignored… You will be surprised at how great a history African has.

  4. Well it’s about damn time. All you fools who saw our NATIVE Tongue as a BADGE of SHAME here is the opportunity to catch up. Those who would rebute their children from even speaking “that language”. In the house because they felt and still do see Kweyol as LOW CLASS here is the opportunity to learn. Next month when it’s kweyol Day those very same St Lucians will all go out and full their belly’s in celebration, when some of those same stiff upper lippers are the very same ones who discriminate against their native tounge. Allan Chastanet take heed, every world leader speaks the native tounge of the people they govern or intend to govern.

  5. This is certainly a long overdue initiative – however, better late than never. I left St. Lucia as a teenager and I am grateful that I can speak and understand the kweyol language very well. Interestingly, I learned it from the streets and not from the household. Our elders in our household would emphasize “this is an English speaking house” As a result, my younger siblings are unable to speak and I am not certain that they understand everything to their disadvantage.

    Therefore, keeping the culture alive and well by introduction into the curriculum is of paramount importance. Bondais bon – merci.

  6. The policy decision to incorporate the Kwéyòl language into Saint Lucia’s school curricula is a commendable and progressive step. Embracing a nation’s native language within its formal education system not only fosters cultural pride and identity but can also enhance the learning process.

    I am an educator and some of the research I have seen consistently demonstrates that children who receive early education in their first language perform better academically and acquire subsequent languages, such as English, more efficiently. For example, many spanish speaking parents in LA did not allow their children to speak spanish thinking that it would interfere with english learning. But once they were educated that the opposite is true, hte children behcome stronger soanish and english speakers.

    By understanding concepts in their mother tongue first, students can easily map these understandings onto a second language. We also have cognates – words that sound the same in both languages that impoves comprehension. For example, information in english sounds similiar in Kwéyòl.

    Moreover, the programmatic use of language, where both Kwéyòl and English are strategically integrated into the curriculum, provides a holistic learning environment. Such an approach not only nurtures bilingualism and biliteracy but also helps students become more versatile thinkers, capable of navigating between different linguistic and cultural worlds. In a globalized era, the ability to seamlessly switch between languages is not just an asset—it’s a necessity.

    Good idea Ministry of Education. Now let’s talk about implementation.

  7. I object strongly to the teaching of Kweyol at School. The majority of children leaving school, don’t speak proper English; like it or not, English is your language; the alternative is French, and that is, proper French as spoken in Paris. I have been away from St. Lucia since 1958 but Had been making yearly visits home, but COVID and the CRIME factor shut that off. I grew up in a home speaking mainly English, and when it was necessary to turn to Patois, that came easy. We were never taught it at school and between friends and relatives, we quite often turn to Patois. TO EXCEL IN THIS WORLD, LEARN TO SPEAK PROPER ENGLISH. BE IT IN ST. LUCIA OR ABROAD. IT IS MOST ADVANTAGOUS TO SPEAK A SECOND LANGUAGE FOR IT IS IN DEMAND EVERY WHERE. My advise to all, try not to imitate a Yankee accent, that’s bad and people judge you negatively. It is important to pray to the Father in Heaven only in the NAME OF HIS DEAR SON ‘JESUS’ for all good gifts, health & wellbeing.

  8. @Dutty Yellow Fox…..we know what you are about already you are still dealing with your delusional system psychosis of Self Hate and cultural acceptance there, there, there. Maybe this will help you pal, embracing one’s heritage enriches one’s soul……might be too late for your ass, some people cannot be rehabilitated after a certain age they are forever set in their ways Oh well there, there, there, just join the ranks of Archie Bunker and George Desantis I quite sure you will be welcome with open arms .

  9. Why, it’s embarrassing that the majority of recent school leavers can’t speak proper English. Most of the time when having a conversation with average Saint Lucian person they quickly transition over to kweyol as they can better explain themselves in this language opposed to explaining and expressing themselves in English. Let’s get English right first.

  10. Teach kids how to do their taxes before wasting tax payers money into kweyol, are you serious?
    Try having a conversation with a random primary school student in the community of Monchy, it’s absolutely terrifying. Take a drive to Monchy and I promise it may cause the officials to rethink that decision.

  11. This is a great incentive to bring back the cultural demand and respect we need for this Island Nation of St Lucian Rock! Bring the respect back to our culture, it’s lacking especially in the school systems and lack of after school free programs and activities and sports where uniforms and equipment are given freely to the students… on a next note,fBring up the health care Implementation and quality of care and source….with Saudi and Taiwan equipment shipped in top medical equipment shipments brought in along with specialized doctors from overseas countries who can do 3-6 month specialized stints and have them on rotation!!!….bring St Lucia this Island up to the top level of medical care in the world, like the Caymans, Switzerland……ect.

  12. It was about time!! The average European speaks 3-4 languages, and besides, I think Lucian Traveler captured it very well in his/her contribution.

  13. For those who disagree with the schools teaching Creole. I am from Saint Lucia, and my family works with a transcribing company that was hired by Google, Apple, etc., to assist with enhancing their Virtual Assistance software, AI, etc. I was tasked with helping her find people who could speak the Creole language, and it was so hard. Lots of people couldn’t do it. I am wondering if those who say not to waste time on teaching it can speak it. If huge companies invest to include it in their software, why can’t we teach it to our kids? Think of a nurse taking care of an older person who may speak only Creole. That nurse may be able to use the little that she learned to communicate rather than looking for someone to translate. That’s just one example

  14. it was time. the slave masters try to destroy the language long time ago .I got punished in school for speaking the language smh. it’s our culture let’s teach it in school.

  15. @Asking for a Friend, so our children should remain illeterate of our Kweyole while they learn the various dialects of the Asian, United Kingdom, Indian, Spanish and Russian languages?
    I suppose our children would then be left to be ridiculed because they would be unable to read and write their “mother tongue” whilst preening themselves for speaking the King’s English or for being fluent in some obscure Russo-Asian dialect…and YOU would be happy with that scenario ??

  16. The idea is good but it should not be mandatory, because at least 80% are well versed in it, and would be a waste of time. Let it be optional. One can impress on others when able to speak the creole.

  17. I find it very frustrating trying to communicate with Lucians in the UK. I was extremely lucky and blessed to have learnt keweole as my late grandmother, spoke keweole fluently.

    It’s sad to say that during my short upbringing in St Lucia, we were not allowed to speak Kweyol. This was the mind -set of the (British Empire.) We didn’t have any identity and now it’s taken us all this years to forge a foundation of self reliance.

    I take great pride in expressing myself in keweole, especially, when I don’t want to share my conversation with others.

  18. Confusion and Division
    Not a good idea ❗
    When the queen contest said about the pyrixe dish.. everyone wants to hypotize her.. during my school days, the male teacher ask a student, which I will not disclosed the community, what is gravity… the student answered : gravity is a piece of banjah chaude..

  19. I think what needs to be taught is proper english
    teach our children how to speak properly lots of so called town people cannot speak proper english myself included but I have an excuse my parents didn’t speak a word of english and me going to secondary school those boys from gros islet called me COUNTRY BOOKIE or Neg marwon but the teaching the patios is good thing but shouldn’t stop there lets teach our children to speak properly but before we can do that we the adults needs to learn to speak properly first and your children will follow


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