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Police Commissioner Thanks Officers, Citizens After Recapture Of Escaped Prisoner

The coordinated efforts of Bordelais Correctional Facility Special Operations Response Team and Royal Saint Lucia Police Force Special Services Unit have resulted in the early recapture of Elwin Lansiquot, who was on the run for the past thirtyeight [38] hours.

This demonstrates the commitment of law enforcement to ensuring public safety and maintaining law and order.

On Monday 18 September 2023 about 10:45 p.m. the Bordelais Correctional Facility tactical team along with other officers, reported the successful recapture of escaped inmate Elwin Lansiquot.

The fugitive was apprehended at Praslin, Micoud, at 10:36 p.m. and was subsequently escorted to the Dennery Police Station where he was handed over to the Police for processing and further Investigations.

The Commissioner of Police Crusita Descartes- Pelius extends her gratitude to all officers involved in the operation for their professionalism, dedication, and tireless efforts. She also extends her appreciation to the residents of Praslin and the entire island, for their cooperation and support.

The organization remains resolute in its pursuit of justice, to make Saint Lucia a safer place for all people.

SOURCE: Royal Saint Lucia Police Force

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  1. Oh well there you have it what did I say…….it made no sense for you to escape where do you believe you could have run to on this little box before someone sees you, now you have to do 10 more extra years. NOw that you have seen what the outdoors looks like and wet your appetite I am sure you will behave yourself for those 10yrs.

  2. Who were Guarding the guard ❓
    When the prisonnier escape in the north ?
    Where was the thief officer ?
    Where is the one who received the revenue ????


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