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WATCH: Work On The Vieux Fort Police Station Nearing Completion


The Vieux-Fort Police Station was left in a state of disrepair for more than four years. Prime Minister and Minister responsible for National Security, Hon. Philip J. Pierre, has always understood the importance of sufficiently addressing the needs of Saint Lucia’s police officers.

Last November, the Government of Saint Lucia and the National Insurance Property Development & Management Company LTD [NIPRO] signed an agreement to finance rehabilitation works on the Vieux-Fort Police Station.

Prime Minister Pierre’s timely intervention will finally end years of inconveniences and disruptions to police administration in Vieux-Fort and ensure police officers and law enforcement officials attached to the Vieux-Fort Police Station occupy suitable facilities for improved service delivery in the island’s south.

This rehabilitation project is one in a series of initiatives which reflect the Prime Minister’s dedication to improving the infrastructure and resources available to Saint Lucia’s law enforcement agencies.


SOURCE: Office of the Prime Minister

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  1. Pierre now wants to take credit for renovating the Vieux Fort Police Station. As usual, never trust anything coming from the mouth of a politician. The delay in the renovation of this building was as a result of ongoing negotiations between government and NIPRO since the latter was no longer responsible for the maintenance and oversight of the building. The negotiations started under UWP and was finalized under SLP. Simple!!! Absolutely no credit for Pierre there. But what’s interesting is that and initial repair cost estimation of approximately 500 thousand ended up being approximately 5 million – the cost of a new building. What a waste of taxpayers money. At some point when this country is in the gutters, we the citizens will finally realize what a mess these so-called, unintelligent idiots have put us in – a debt hole so deep that our grand children cannot climb out of. That’s what happens when we continue voting and electing people who can barely afford to find and keep a job in the private sector or did anything meaningful before getting into politics. SHAME ON US.

  2. My issue is dem media ppl nvr ask the questions or get pertinent info. What about the scope and cost of the project. Btw who is the contractor.


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