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Choc Bridge Due For Temporary Closure


The Choc Bridge is due for temporary closure from 7:00 p.m. on Friday, October 13, to 6:00 a.m. on Monday, October 16, 2023.

The Department of Infrastructure, Ports and Transport explained that the closure will facilitate maintenance work on the bridge, should the weather permit.

According to a Department advisory, the maintenance crew will work throughout the weekend into Sunday, including at night, to complete the job.

The advisory urged motorists to use alternative routes and bypass roads to avoid delays.

On Tuesday, Infrastructure Minister Stephenson King confirmed that his Ministry’s road maintenance programme had detected some movement on the Choc bridge.

King explained steps to address the issue while asserting no ‘extreme danger.’

A social media post had declared that the Choc Bridge was ‘becoming critically unstable’.

The post this week said there was a ‘dangerous dip’ that would put every vehicle crossing the structure at risk.

In addition, it asserted that the heatwave and recent rains had worsened the situation.

However, the Infrastructure Minister told Parliament that the social media post was malicious and intended to instill fear.

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  1. If the social media post was malicious, why is the road/bridge being closed for remedial works next week. Smh

  2. Why can’t the construction of new bridge in this location be at the top of priorities of the min of Infrastructure? That road is the busiest on island and every year is a patch work!

  3. @ Bobolist / he is a master at it – as the man said, its patch patch patch work; and what do you expect? think about BEXON, the Road and Sidewalk, the crashes, the deaths, vehicle damages, the costs to owners, Insurance – fix it!!!!!


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