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Police Constable Graduates With First Class Honours

Congratulations to Police Constable #85 Yannil Sam on his recent graduation with first-class honors in Financial Management from the esteemed UWI Open Campus! Officer Sam’s journey is a testament to the idea that one can overcome any challenge with discipline, determination, and dedication.
His unwavering commitment to continuous self-improvement and positive mindset is truly inspiring.
Officer Sam’s decision to choose the UWI Open Campus for his higher education was a deliberate one. He recognized the university’s reputation and was driven by the need for a flexible and convenient learning environment.
The Financial Management program, a field closely aligned with his primary interests, became the avenue through which he could deepen his knowledge and skills.
Sam’s experience at the Open Campus was a blend of sweetness and bitterness. The sweetness derived from the marvelous and unforgettable moments, including active participation in UWI games and the formation of enduring friendships.
These experiences enriched his academic tenure, providing a holistic dimension to his time at the university.
However, the bitter aspects of the journey cannot be overlooked. Officer Sam faced immense pressure and stress, with the pursuit of academic excellence demanding sacrifices.
To finance his education and provide for his family, he juggled additional jobs on off days.
It’s a tale of determination and sacrifice that echoes the struggles of many individuals striving to achieve their educational goals while balancing other responsibilities.
In Officer Sam’s words, “No matter how challenging it may seem at times, believe and have faith in God and yourself because you can overcome all things.”
His journey is an inspiration to all those who aspire to achieve their goals through hard work and perseverance.
SOURCE: Royal Saint Lucia Police Force

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  1. Congratulations Mr Sam. Proud officer. You are a true testament and representation of a determined person.

  2. Congratulations Mr. Sam. I am very happy , your integrity and sacrifice get true. Congratulations and be the same person I knew years before.

  3. Congratulations to you officer Sam, may God continue to be your guide as your soar to higher heights… Blessings!

  4. Officer Sam – I am really proud of you. You are certainly an example to other Lucians that determination and commitment pays off. Every meaningful accomplishment comes with sacrifice.
    Perhaps some of the complainers can take a page or even a paragraph out of your book. Godspeed


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