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Man Rushed To Hospital After Shooting At Marigot


Saint Lucia Fire Service (SLFS) emergency personnel transported a man to the OKEU Hospital in stable condition after he sustained gunshot injuries Saturday.

Details regarding the circumstances of the shooting are sketchy.

However, the SLFS responded at about 6:50 p.m. after learning about the incident.

Reports indicated that the victim had been shot multiple times in an area identified as China Town, off the main road.

“Check shots that fire there. Check shots – shells,” a man’s voice declared in a social media video recorded from a moving vehicle during a downpour.

The video showed two parked police vehicles.

In the glare of the vehicle lights and a street lamp was an area officers had cordoned off with yellow caution tape.

Several yellow evidence markers on the ground were also visible.

In another video shot from a moving vehicle, a man declared that he saw the police picking up ‘how much shells’.


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  1. Clearly whatever has been done to curb gun violence is not working. Buying vehicles and changing gun laws. So…. WHat next.

  2. Bolo and his 6/OTF boys back at it!!! Mr Officer look into it…….. This has Jacmel written all over it!


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