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CARICOM Expresses ‘Horror’ At Continuing Gaza Humanitarian Crisis

The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) has expressed ‘horror and concern’ over the worsening humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

In a statement, CARICOM mentioned the mounting civilian death toll, including women and children particularly in Gaza, but also in other areas of the Occupied Palestinian Territory.

The complete statement appears below:

The Caribbean Community (CARICOM), aware of the catastrophic humanitarian crisis in Gaza that continues to worsen,

Expresses horror and concern at the mounting death toll on the civilian population, including women and children, particularly in Gaza, but also in other areas of the Occupied Palestinian Territory,

Calls on all States to respect and ensure respect for international humanitarian law in all circumstances in accordance with Article 1 of the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949,

Condemns any disregard for international humanitarian law, human rights and the laws of war that have resulted in the widespread destruction of civilian infrastructure in Gaza and deprivation of access to basic necessities including medical care for the people of Palestine,

Reaffirms its conviction that a lasting, two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict can be achieved only by peaceful means, based on the relevant United Nations Resolutions and in accordance with international law.

Further calls for:

  • an immediate ceasefire in Gaza;
  • the immediate release of all hostages and for their humane treatment at all times in compliance with international law;
  • all parties to immediately and fully comply with their obligations under international law, including international humanitarian law and international human rights law; and
  • the immediate, safe, unimpeded access for adequate, sustained humanitarian support throughout Gaza including food, water, medicines, medical care, fuel and electricity.


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  1. @JDorn. You hit the nail on the head. Some people believe that they can oppress and brutalize other people without consequences. It’s better die fighting, than living on your knees.

  2. I have nothing but the ultimate in disdain for the full statement issued by the “house n1gg@$” of CARICOM!

    It is quite clear that their masters in the US prepared this statement so they could recite it verbatim. Why? It removes from public discourse, the reality of US involvement and sponsorship of the Zionists, in the on-going genocide of Palestinians, which began since 1948!

    A relative newcomer to journalism regarding world affairs, interviewed a couple of Jews who put CARICOM leaders to shame:
    Dan Cohen & Miko Peled “This Began With The OCCUPATION Of The Palestinian People” (Interview)


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