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Saint Lucia Launches Children’s Vaccination Drive


From Saturday, November 18, 2023, a children’s vaccination drive will begin in Saint Lucia.

The Ministry of Health, Wellness and Elderly Affairs said the campaign will occur in all communities until December 17, 2023.

A Ministry release said the initiative is to ensure all eligible children aged two months to 12 years are up-to-date with their vaccination and receive full protection from vaccine-preventable diseases.

According to UNICEF, immunisation rates have decreased to their lowest in three decades.

The organisation noted that nearly 67 million children globally missed out on the routine vaccines that keep them safe from deadly diseases during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Children worldwide routinely get vaccinated against diseases, including polio, measles, and whooping cough.

In Saint Lucia, the Health Ministry disclosed that healthcare providers will conduct home visits in the various communities to ensure all children receive their scheduled vaccine.

The Ministry thanked the public for their support and cooperation during the vaccination campaign.

In addition, it encouraged parents, guardians, or caregivers to get their children vaccinated against possible vaccine-preventable diseases.

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  1. Sorry. I’ll pass.

    Vax-Unvax: Let the Science Speak (Children’s Health Defense)

  2. What about the side effects? Everywhere you turn is a billboard saying vaccines are safe. Are they? Or is that just a statement. With so many children getting ill, cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular issues, obesity, early sexualization, gender confusion, inflation, 2.5% levy, poverty, hunger, programming (education), government psychological operations, etc etc. But going around vaccinating children is you’ll priority, with a naive CMO. Fire and Brimstone soon go come.

  3. Clearly, the ignorance of the nation is on display…those who don’t have an inkling of how vaccines work, yet drink of the conspiracy theories rife on social media…not a clue…and if it’s anything to go by, COVID vaccines did more to save people than people died from its effects… ignorance is a fool’s comfort indeed….


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