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Man Rushed To Hospital After Sarrot Chopping Incident


Emergency personnel from the Saint Lucia Fire Service (SLFS) rushed a man who appeared to be in his thirties to the OKEU Hospital on Sunday after a chopping incident at Sarrot, Bexon.

The responders learned of the chopping at about 5:50 p.m.

On arrival at the scene, they discovered that the victim had sustained injuries to the head and arms.

He was in stable condition when an ambulance transported him to the hospital.

Headline photo (Stock image)

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  1. You do not have to be a psychiatrist to know that there will always be an upsurge is this type of crime after a “3 year lockdown”. When you suppress peoples human right to assemble, there will be rebellion. It’s in our DNA from slavery. We fought for our liberation and got some of it. Now we change governments thinking that that will bring us meaningful change. En bien.

  2. Choppings, drownings, shootings, traffic accidents, skyrocketing cost of living, etc., etc., etc. –Welcome to Fair Helen!

  3. This little Rock was sold for a price in time before the last elections.
    The Lady from Trinidad organized a Witch conference here, and ever since all hell brock loose; to steal, kill and destroy have always been here, but to allow witches in the mix, you have quadrupled the cost and the demand is Souls.
    Some have paid by the severing of heads from the body of a man while being alive, some by bullets, knifing, drownings, and so on: Is this the Island I left behind?
    Why the greed for power, the hate to fellowman, the envy, the lust, racism, cruelty toward each other, the anger etc etc.[BROTHERMAN THERE’ A GOD ABOVE]
    His blood was shed on a Cross”Love one another/forgive each other”
    Very early on that morning when HE apears to take up with him his chosen ones, be not the one to whom HE will say “no – I do not know you”
    So lets start with love; Repent and come to Jesus, there’s no other way.

  4. Here goes my point on calling out the PM for his comment on 24 days without a homicide. Praise God for that but we were not incident free during these 24 days. May he survive this attack and live to fight another day.

  5. We can’t solve our problems when poverty is rampant in St Lucia..God is always here and will always be in St Lucia and else where.. The poor and hungry are very angry and desperate, the problem can be solved by abolishing the Slave wages Systems and enact a fair living wage system of $10+ per hour based on hours worked to give the people more spending power to help the system to emerg under our current problems.. The poorest are having Babies and can’t afford the feed them and it became to the survival of the fittest and to add to the Stew is a dose of politics .. Folks, we must pay our workers a decent minimum living wage…or keep suffering from the consequences.I endorse my thoughts and observations..


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