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Saint Lucia’s Help Requested In Locating Missing Guyanese Fishermen


Guyana has asked Saint Lucia and other Caribbean countries to help locate four Guyanese fishermen who have been missing for over two weeks.

Worrin Yipsam, Cecil Persaud, Vickram Singh, and Hazrat Razack were last seen alive on November 16, 2023.

The men had ventured out to sea aboard the fishing boat ‘ASEYAH One’ to assist a distressed vessel.

The distressed vessel returned to port, but the four would-be rescuers did not.

Local news reports indicated that the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) had intensified its search and rescue efforts, covering over 9000 square nautical miles.

In addition, the GDF disclosed that it had alerted other Caribbean countries through the Regional Security System (RSS) to be alert for any sightings of the men.

Saint Lucia’s Marine Police confirmed receiving Guyana’s request for help and was on the lookout for the missing men.

Despite the passage of time, the missing men’s relatives have not given up hope of finding them alive.


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  1. them mun get away from their controlled wife and guyan with sum Amerindian girls who cherish their value


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