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Pierre, Chastanet Stress Peace, Love, And Unity On National Day


Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre and opposition leader Allen Chastanet highlighted the qualities of peace, love, and unity as Saint Lucia observed National Day on Wednesday.

“As we usher in this new period of Light and Renewal, I pray for a spirit of peace and love over our island,” Pierre wrote on Facebook.

“As we reflect on our lives during this National Day, let us give thanks and commit to being better citizens who proudly build our nation,” the Prime Minister stated.

For his part, Chastanet wished the ‘wonderful’ Saint Lucian people a Happy National Day.

“Today is a celebration of our rich culture, vibrant heritage, and the resilient spirit that defines us as Saint Lucians,” the United Workers Party (UWP) leader declared.

The former Prime Minister also spoke to the issue of unity.

“As we mark this special occasion, let us remember the ties that bind us together and the shared values that make our communities strong,” Chastanet advised.

In addition, he wished citizens a day full of joy, unity, and patriotism.

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  1. Talk right anonymous, both these parties are designed to divide and distract our people with illusions of a so called democracy, this is the hypocrisy. The blind leading the blind. Deceiving while being deceived.

  2. I hope you guys are serious. Should take this goodwill one step further and try to work together and not cause perceived problems that has nothing to do with the state and welfare of the people and country. None seem to aspire to that in their goodwill comments. Hopefully, this is not a case of “do as I say and not as I do”. Not sure if Unity and demonstrations can co-exist, seems like a classic oxymoron case to me.

  3. Peace and Love? Demonstrate that by the letting us Saint Lucians see the two of you walking along the waterfront hand in hand, looking lovingly into each others eyes to the song, I don’t know much, by I know I love you by Linda Ronstadt and Aaron Neville…that would be convincing….


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