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Two Pedestrians Hit By A Vehicle At Rodney Bay


A car hit two pedestrians Saturday at Rodney Bay, prompting a response from Gros Islet fire station emergency personnel.

The incident occurred at about 5:03 pm.

The circumstances surrounding the accident were not immediately clear, but the two victims were said to be tourists.

Responders transported one of the men to the hospital, while the other declined transportation.

Both appeared to have sustained non-life-threatening injuries.

There are no further details at present.

The Saint Lucia Fire Service (SLFS) recorded 11,347 ambulance responses up to October 2023 and transported 11,711 patients to medical facilities.

Trauma resulting from incidents, including physical assaults and road accidents, resulted in 1,906 ambulance responses.

Emergency personnel transported two thousand two hundred and fifteen trauma patients to medical facilities.

However, a spate of road accidents in Saint Lucia has continued despite the fire department’s appeal to road users to exercise caution and observe traffic laws.

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  1. Appealing isn’t going to cut it. I bet you surveillance followed by penetrating punishments will.

  2. More barriers in Rodney to protect the tourist. Meanwhile people getting run down and killed in Bexon for decades yet nada.

  3. And now the Bullseye is turned on the tourists – just keep it up and you can rename this place little Haiti; don’t worry, it wont be long.
    Do they know who the driver is, did he stay on the scene, was he drunk; at 5.03 still broad day light; hope it wasn’t for racism; go to Church tonight, repent and pray.

  4. You guys need to place street lights in order to make your island safe. Trying to cross the street in St Lucia is like playing Russian roulette for real. Folk go on vacation to get hit by a car …make that make sense.


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