The relatives of the second person to have so far died in Saint Lucia as a result of a road accident have expressed shock at his demise, recalling that he was a quiet, loving individual.
Police are investigating the fatal accident at Mongiraud, Gros Islet, after learning of the crash at about 12:55 am on Monday.
It involved a black motor vehicle that ran off the main road, resulting in the death of the sole occupant, identified as Jordan St. Ange.
Family members said the Bagatelle, Castries resident, was 26 years old and the father of a five-year-old girl.
“He was a nice boy to me, and I’ll miss him,” Rose Daniel, who identified the deceased as her adopted son, told reporters.
Daniel said she heard he had left a party when his vehicle ran off the road and hit a wall. She said he sustained a broken neck and arm.
Elizabeth Clery, who said the deceased was her stepson, recalled that the 26-year-old was very quiet.
“Everybody in the area liked him,” Elizabeth told reporters.
” He was a sweetheart. He was quiet, respectful, and very well-behaved. We had no problem. He wasn’t into drugs or drinking. He was just a perfect little boy to me,” she stated.
“He was everybody’s favourite,” Elizabeth recalled.
Saint Lucia has recorded two road fatalities so far in 2024.
A 61-year-old driver involved in a three-vehicle collision on the Praslin Highway on New Year’s Day succumbed to his injuries two days later.
Sad to say another case of Youngsters, alcohol, fete and driving back home early morning.
The speed limit is 40 MPH..,,… If he had only adhere to the rules of the road it would have been a better outcome…… Breaking the law has consequences.
How dear your say alcohol ? While I am not defending alcohol. You should be sympathizing with the family for such a tragic loss. He could of fallen asleep,vehicle malfunction, bright lights by an approaching vehicle.
We need to exhibit greater empathy & support, we never know what tomorrow holds.
Oh Really don’t do that. The families said he wasn’t into alcohol. He was a 26 year old. Maybe he was just partying, dancing, socializing, just having fun. Maybe never consumed an alcohol drink. Please note the time of his accident. That’s the time of night if you are alone, the sleep is fighting you more than you can fight it. He may have fallen asleep and that was it. Not every young person’s death must be classified the way we look at it these days. DRUGS, ALCOHOL, GUNS, GANGS, BADBOY, RECKLESS and so on.
Maybe its a little insensitive but this story keeps repeating itself. If it was not alcohol or speeding or a malfunction then what happened ?
Also just because a parent said their kid wasn’t into drugs or alcohol does not mean anything, kids do a lot of things which their parents are not aware of.
Most Times if you dont know the truth we don’t know he was the sole occupant….maybe he feel asleep we don’t know stop judging situations…….if it was your family member how would u feel smfhh
My condolences to this family for their terrible loss. And commenters to this page, have some decency and stop jumping to conclusions about his demise. Nobody knows what happened, and accept what his adopted mother has said please.
Oh Really, I don’t dispute anything you have said there. I respect your point of view, all I’m saying is that we should not judge to quickly. It is a disturbing trend in St Lucia these days to castigate young people especially males. Not all deaths of young males are as a result of the ills plaguing our society. I prefer to believe that he fell asleep until we know more about it, just like I believe every suicide is what they say it is even though a few of them are suspicious and borders on homicide.
@Time, I get that, its happened to me once falling asleep behind the wheel. It even happens when you are not tired. And yes I agree not every incident is because of the usual reasons but still majority are. The environment young people are in these days is very toxic, lots of bad influences.
It may not have been alcohol or reckless driving… he could have simply just fallen asleep and in the 2 seconds his eyes closed that was it. One of the worst states to drive in apart from being under the influence is when you are tired. Such an unfortunate situation – my condolences to the family.
Some of the post in this forum are very insensitive – if you were not with the young man – how could you state what happened???????????????. Please folk have a heart, pray for the family during this difficult season. May the young man RIP. Amen.
I heard he was racing…I too lost a brother whilst he and his friends were drinking and racing….it took the other party a while b4 they can ever admit that they were racing,up to now after 15years or so this dude is living feeling some sense of guilt…..guilt because they know its outlawed to race on our treacherous roads….just be aware of we will have plenty of accidents on that Bexon highway, possibly deaths and our govt havn’t taken any measures to try mitigating this particular situation….
I personally feel it’s high time gov’t fund some serious interventions like having live traffick police at this location from 6-6 everyday making sure that motorist adhere to road safety and speed limits..breathalyzer,speed guns etc…this is what we call #PUTTINGTHEPPLFIRST