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Proposed Caribbean Ferry Aims To Reduce Food Bill


The investors have said that a proposed private-sector-led Caribbean ferry aims to reduce the region’s food import bill, enhance transportation, and create jobs.

The ‘Connect Caribe’ ferry consortium announced that the venture would transport heavy and light cargo and agricultural produce around the Eastern Caribbean.

Passenger service and additional stops throughout the region would also occur.

Connect Caribe anticipates securing the US$50 million needed to make a modern regional cargo and ferry service a reality by year-end.

The project will eventually consist of three vessels.

The vessels would include a large ferry carrying 800 passengers, a fast ferry capable of transporting passengers, and a cargo ship that will initially service Barbados, Suriname, St Vincent, and Saint Lucia before expanding to other countries.

A news conference late last month disclosed that the standard fare for a roundtrip should be around $100 (US), excluding various taxes and government charges.

However, the investors have indicated that their initiative is separate from the Barbados, Guyana, and Trinidad and Tobago plan to start a new ferry service among them.

Photo: Stock image

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  1. Yes but will we be able to get on and off the ferry from the South otherwise whats the point. We have to travel for hours if we want to go on the castries ferry so it wouldn’t be worth our while.

  2. Good idea for the Cargo part, not sure for the boat trips and how long those take but I love idea for selling produce amongst the islands on a local scale it could be a wonderful initiative hope this takes off.

  3. I love this but it seems like St lucia is not added to the ferry service I’ve been following this from last year.From what I understood customers are able to get down from the ferry and explore until the ferry is ready to leave again


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