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Former Mayor Says Castries In A Deplorable State

Former Castries Mayor Peterson Francis has declared that the Saint Lucia capital, including the roads and vending, is in a deplorable state.

Francis asserted that things are worse than when he served as Mayor.

He recalled that the changes he implemented and sought to bring to the City brought him heavy criticism.

“I was not criticised alone, crucified for trying to upgrade,” Francis told the DBS Television programme, Newsmaker Live last week.

“I was bring crucified by the people who claimed themselves to be ‘malaway’ (poor people),” the former Castries Mayor said.

Nevertheless, he explained that there were improvements during his tenure.

During the United Workers Party (UWP) administration which lost the July 26, 2021 general elections, Francis served as Mayor.

Regarding why he believed the City was in bad shape, the former Mayor blamed leadership.

“It takes leadership. You have to do what you have to do. Being a Mayor is not a popularity show,” he asserted.

“You have to take the decisions. You have to make things happen,” Francis explained.

He noted that although he became the target of criticism for his policies as Mayor, everyone recognises what he was trying to do.

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  1. I must admit that the photo of Francis, above, depicts him in a less deplorable state than is usual for him, while he sits daily under the CDC on Jeremie St., drinking!

  2. Deplorable is an understatement. All those bars under the CDC where you frequent is a major source of the rot. All those rumshops you give licence to operate is a major source of the rot. All those vendors a major source of the rot. All those vieux neg. A major source of the rot. And you turn the people housing area into the city dump. Yet another major source of the rot.

  3. The shitty is in mess. Pedestrians can’t seek the safety of the sidewalk. It’s occupied. There are all kinds of physical threats protruding from those nasty, rickety structures. Serious trip hazards, eye-poking metal and the works. The day family or I get hurt, I will seek a lawyer and proceed with zeal. The council has been put on notice several times that its practices are unsafe, yet, they proceed. If this isn’t negligence, then nothing is.
    Just forget about the pothole roads and general disrepair. That’s a different chapter all together. The City Council is just flat out nasty. Surloop.

  4. The city is very dirty and smelly.Thats not the city i knew when i was a child. If u would like some fresh ahd healthy air come to the country u are most welcome. All at the front of blue coral smelling.

  5. Castries has always been a dump I can hardly remember it been any better only a step above Calcutta India so I don’t what some people are talking about “when they were growing up” what year was this ? Castries always have the bars with music blasting, coconut vendors, fish vendors or whatever vendors on the sidewalk…..I am not even going to touch behind the CDC every grown St Lucian of a certain age knows what goes on behind there and it’s been like that for decades. Yes you may have tried but just like your Lapp bother there was very little change only harassment by your city police goon squad. The only thing that can save Castries is another fire or a tidal wave and we rebuild from scratch.

  6. You are sure right. This is the most deplorable I have ever seen the city in my 50 years living in St Lucia. I don’t know what else we can expect, when guys with coolers selling alcohol all day long, even to school children. No wonder our school kids practice such lawlessness. I pass and watch the city police cast a blind eye. This wouldn’t happen during the tenure of any other mayor. Don’t ask for the health and safety harzard of jutting pieces of steel all along the pavement meant for pedestrian traffic. Pedestrians have to compete with vehicles for the road in order to escape injury on the pavement. I guess it will remain this way once votes are needed for certain characters to remain in power.

  7. Mr Francis was a commendable mayor during his tenure. he tried his best to clean it up. Now, I detest going into Castries, as the first eyesore i am constantly met with is the “foul smelling fish market” on a busy main street!! Coming down the Millenium Highway, into the city gates of the capital – another eyesore of a fishing shanty town!!

    … and St Lucia is lauded as a “tourist destination”!?!?!? No wonder there are only TWO cruise ships in the harbour.

    The mayor, together with the minister for city planning/housing have NO CLASS!! NO UPBRINGING of the finer things to make the capital of Castries look decent and inviting!

    As a child, I knew Castries to be a clean and decent TOWN. Now that it has been elevated to a CITY, it became deplorable and decadent!! Mr Francis tried, but “nasty politics” intervened. i must admit that the current mayor HAS FAILED ST LUCIA and the “capital city”. She should be treating the city, like it is HER HOME! (I would love to see her home!)

    Progress should not come with filth and decadence – oh no! Rather the opposite. St Lucia has regressed in all manners of social graces, atmosphere and aesthetics. This is SHAMEFUL!


  8. Every city in every country is the iconic factor. That is why it is called a city. What goes on in the city generally give an outline of the citizens daily life. I will not condone or appraise anyone. The vocal cords of this island is when you want to hold leadership position you will go the distance to talk your shit when you do get in there it is a total different situation. The tone always change from soca to country western, same move, slow pace and who can evade scrutiny. So let it be. All city have there fair share of garbages and filth, when it is being display at your fronts then it will obviously exposed who you are.

  9. Well did u all expect anything different or better. Whoever did is blinded by red and yellow. Simply put. The SLP women campaigned and lauded STEP, the leader praises the Poor ppl mentality and the Rep revels in the ppl being Malaway to feel richer than he is. So Castries will get WORST.

  10. Look around and the main concern of the CCC seems to be collecting money from carparks. Open your eyes St. Lucians and see who benefits from the proliferation of carparks in our city center. Every vacant lot has been turned into paid parking facility.

    The same person who was lamenting the purchase of the parking meters is ironically the same person responsible for it’s implementation — at haste might I add!


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