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Respiratory Illnesses: Minister Urges Continued Vigilance


On Tuesday, Health Minister Moses Jn Baptiste advised continued vigilance regarding respiratory illness, despite a slight decrease in people visiting hospitals and wellness centres.

Jn Baptiste noted an increase in respiratory illnesses in the last few months.

However, he said there had been a ‘slight decline’ in the number of individuals visiting wellness centres and hospitals in the past few weeks.

“However, we cannot take comfort in that. We know that over the past few months, a number of individuals have come down with respiratory illnesses,” the Minister noted.

He said those individuals cannot go to work.

As a result, Jn Baptiste urged citizens to take the necessary precautions, including using face masks, especially if they are ill or visiting sick people in the hospital or at the wellness centres.

“Let us not let our guard down,” the Health Minister advised.

Regarding a mask mandate, Jn Baptiste told reporters the government had considered no new measures because of respiratory illnesses.

But he said public education and awareness activities were increasing so people could become more cautious.

Health officials have said they continue to monitor respiratory cases and manage individuals with flu-like symptoms due to new COVID-19 variants, Influenza A and B, and Respiratory Syncytial Virus.

In addition, on Monday, Chief Medical Officer Dr. Sharon Belmar-George  reported decreased hospitalisations and deaths due to COVID-19 over the past fourteen days.

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  1. The city council must change the time that gentleman uses the blower when cleaning around the square and side walks. The dust being blown in the air ppl breathe could contribute to respiratory illnesses. They choose to do that at a time when most folks reaching in town especially school children, and the gentleman pays little regards to ppl passing. Blowing that dust in ppl’s face. Couldn’t this guy do this about 6am.


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