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Police Identify Victim Of Fatal Shooting In Castries


Police have identified the victim of Saturday’s fatal shooting as Georgeville, Castries resident Darnell Alphonse, alias ‘Coco.’

The 21-year-old has become Saint Lucia’s 14th homicide victim for 2024.

He sustained fatal gunshot injuries in George V Park, Castries.

Emergency personnel from the Saint Lucia Fire Service (SLFS) headquarters responded after learning of the shooting at about 7:51 pm but left the scene in the care of the police.


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  1. I wonder how many people he killed before his turn came on him killers killing killers .. But then again hope the government enact a minimum wage on independence day so them young men will be motivated to go and work poyotte told me it will be 12 dollars an hour…

  2. don’t be fooled no politician can fix this none at all. only when this nation turns from our sins then God can rescue this nation from the devil.

  3. As John Wick said, “when it rains you must prepare for the mud”. And sad to say, this is the lot of another young man.


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