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Police Officers Complete Fingerprint Course

The Royal Saint Lucia Police Force (RSLPF) is proud to announce the successful completion of the Foundation Fingerprint Course, held from January 29, 2024, to February 9, 2024.
The programme, facilitated by Mr. Narace Ramnarine of the Law Enforcement Advanced Development Company Ltd (L.E.A.D.C.O), is part of the RSLPF’s ongoing commitment to consistently enhance the skills and knowledge of its officers.
Eight dedicated officers participated in the intensive training, which was conducted by a highly qualified fingerprint expert from the United Kingdom (UK) with over forty- four (44) years of experience in the field.
The course provided participants with a comprehensive understanding of fingerprint identification techniques, further strengthening the RSLPF’s investigative capabilities.
The training course is accredited, ensuring that the skills and knowledge gained by the participants are recognized and respected internationally.
This accreditation underscores the RSLPF’s commitment to providing its officers with world-class training opportunities.
The RSLPF continues to prioritize the professional development of its officers, equipping them with the necessary skills to serve the community effectively and efficiently.
SOURCE: Royal Saint Lucia Police Force

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  1. I hope they can lift some prints from the files in the ministers office to see who has been passing them to him them. Over to you madam commissioner.

  2. Hmmmmm ! Is it only me, but shouldn’t this be a part of Basic Police Training 101. You would think in at the academy, in their training manual under The Context Arrest Detained & Process, Paragraph Two “FINGERPRINTS”, they would have studied the theory, and mastered the practical, before been placed in uniform ?? Lord help us ! Well don’t stop there with those Lapo fools, the proper commandment of The English Language, and the ability to write a proper detailed report should be on the list next for them. The Absolute Shame Of It.

  3. @The Honorable Lucian Highgrade I completely agree. This is (or should be) long-standing basic Police training and practice. I wonder too, if there is are good fingerprint/DNA data bases accessible to the St Lucia Police, once they have tested for and taken fingerprints? That worries me too on a whole other level… I wonder if ethics are taught to and, instilled in, the Police Force (and all Public Servants and Ministers) in St Lucia?!


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