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Four Rushed To Hospital After Separate Road Accidents


Saint Lucia Fire Service (SLFS) emergency personnel were busy overnight responding to a spate of road accidents and transporting four people to the hospital.

The emergency personnel received a call for assistance at about 7:09 pm regarding a bus that overturned in Castries with twelve people on board.

They transported one female to the hospital.

About an hour later, emergency personnel from the Gros Islet fire station received a report about a three-vehicle collision at Corinth involving five individuals.

With backup from fire service headquarters in Castries, the responders transported three victims to the hospital in stable condition.

In addition, a motorcyclist sustained injuries in a road accident at Bocage, Castries on Wednesday morning.

However, private transportation conveyed him to the hospital.

The Saint Lucia Fire Service responded to about six road accidents between Tuesday night and Wednesday morning.

But in most cases, the victims did not sustain serious injuries.

Since the beginning of the year, Saint Lucia has recorded four road fatalities.



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  1. To the parents who have their babies in their arms in the front seat of vehicles…hell has a special fire waiting for you all!


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