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Jeremiah Norbert Sworn In As New Minister

On Monday, Micoud North MP Jeremiah Norbert took the oath of office as Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister with Responsibility for Crime Prevention and Persons With Disabilities.

Norbert will work closely with Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre who will continue to hold the portfolio of National Security.

The appointment of Jeremiah Norbert, a former police officer, to the responsibilities of Crime Management and overseeing matters about people with disabilities came amid a surge in violent crime, mostly gun-related.

So far, in 2024, Saint Lucia has recorded 20 homicides.

Prime Minister Pierre said Norbert’s addition to the cabinet is expected to bring added focus to the importance the government places on citizen security and improving people’s lives.

“We are determined to reduce the level of gun violence in Saint Lucia,” Pierre declared.

He voiced the expectation that the new Minister would focus on all crime prevention suggestions, ideas, and methods.

Pierre also pledged to continue providing the police with resources and equipment.

At the same time, he committed to allowing the police the operational space to end the ‘unacceptable’ crime situation.

Jeremiah Norbert resigned as Deputy Speaker of the House of Assembly on February 27.

Recently, while updating reporters on a ‘medical emergency’ experienced by Home Affairs Minister Dr. Virginia Albert-Poyotte, Pierre informed them that Norbert would oversee her Ministry.

However, the PM explained that until his swearing-in, Norbert would not be a government Minister.

As the newest member of the Cabinet, Norbert vowed not to take lightly his new role, declaring that he would do his best.

In addition, he commended the Prime Minister’s ‘groundbreaking’ designation of a Minister for persons with disabilities.

Norbert lost his leg in a motorcycle accident before the July 26, 2021, general elections.

However, he created a historic upset by winning the Micoud North seat for the Saint Lucia Labour Party (SLP) as the party surged into office by a landslide.

The United Workers Party (UWP) had long held the Micoud North seat.


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  1. We wish the Minister well. Let’s hope he can fix the Labour Department. We don’t have time for learning on the job.

  2. Is this new swearing in a public admission by Pierre that he knows and acknowledges he is failing as minister of national security and therefore, Pierre cunningly employs a side kick…akin to Batman and Robin vs crime boys? Couldn’t the person responsible for the Ministry of Public Service, Home Affairs, Labour and Gender Affairs also take up the responsibility for persons with disabilities? Just asking…just an observation…..Why does there seem to have overlaps in portfolios? But then again usually a portfolio will contain responsibilities that are pretty much related or closely associated….for example, the portfolio of the ministry of education , sustainable development, innovation, science, technology and vocational training…..these responsibilities are closely related to each other and therefore a minister can develop a strategy that complements the entire portfolio by tackling various aspects of development in education….but a minister responsible for crime prevention and person with disabilities? These two responsibilities are far apart in terms of relatedness. All Pierre had to do was create a new task force or agency to tackle specifically crime. The new Minister will still need a task force to implement his ideas. The police force is already stretched and so creating a new Agency will give the police some space to do there job. That agency could have been quickly created from the bright brains already working in the armed forces….With this wave of gun violence, the task force should also be mandated to investigate gangs, gun importation, potentially corrupt politicians and civilians who may be working with crime lords, family members who aid and abet crime and criminals, general corruption in society…etc etc…. In order words a agency akin to the FBI… Saint Lucia ain’t innocent anymore, it’s time to raise your game, time to think big, time to create structure that goes above and beyond the needs of the nation so that as the nation progresses, it will have institutions thay can cater for it’s needs and meet all challenges. Just employing a minister for crime is not cutting it. It shows how puny Pierre’s thinking is ….In any case, let’s hope two ministers, two brains, two heads can tackle the portfolio of national security and can come up with some innovative ideas to deal with this crime scourge. I will be watching closely with my tongue sharpened to deliver some slice em and dice em criticism or praise (when it’s deserved) on the results of the two headed hydra’s attack on crime. I wish the new Minister well and all success in fulfilling his portfolio’s mandate.

  3. So is virgin Virginia out for good. As a public servant what is her health status. Peep where is the transparency. Not so fair Helen. Lord help us

  4. He will not make a difference.. The higher the monkey climbs the more it expose it’s behind..
    We need emergency solutions asap, due to our youths and their parents.. Politicians are keeping back st Lucians, due to their lack of knowledge and skills,
    Unfortunately they can’t see and understand the other side of the Coin.. Too many lame and people with any empathy towards the voters. A sad but true situation..

  5. A-Allison they promise a minimum wage on independence day up to now no minimum wage … They are playing on the intelligence of the workforce….


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