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Goodlands Crash Results In Multiple Casualties


Saint Lucia Fire Service (SLFS) emergency personnel rushed several individuals in stable condition to the hospital after a collision involving three vehicles at Goodlands, Castries, on Wednesday.

Two of the vehicles were minibuses plying the Dennery and Jacmel routes, while the other was a government-registered cargo van.

The victims’ injuries did not appear to be life-threatening.

The SLFS received a call for assistance at about 11:00 am and responded with multiple units from various stations.

The responders transported  eighteen victims to hospital.

According to initial reports, one of the bus drivers lost control due to brake failure, which resulted in the collision with the other vehicles.

Saint Lucia has recently been experiencing a sharp spike in road accidents despite road safety appeals from the Saint Lucia Fire Service and the police.

So far, in 2024, six people have lost their lives as a result of accidents on Saint Lucia’s roads.



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  1. The road in Cap estate to Sandals Cap and directly after is extremely bad!,,, it’s goin to cause accidents, please address immediately. I Thank You.


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