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Soufriere Male Shot By Police After Reaching For Firearm


Police opened fire on a motorcyclist in Fond Bernier, Soufriere, after he allegedly reached for a firearm.

According to initial reports, the incident occurred after 7:00 pm on Monday.

The reports indicated that the motorcyclist failed to stop when officers ordered him to do so.

When he reached for the firearm, which police later recovered, officers shot the Fond Bernier, Soufriere resident, in the lower body.


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  1. Good one. Police may have thwarted a murder tonight. Let him spend a few years behind bars.

  2. Mérchant ou mérchant, vieux bête…the police should have done us a favour and sent him for worm meat..the worms would be very happy, society would be very happy.. everyone would be happy….under these circumstances, no one can fault the police for acting in such a manner…the criminals must know they are living on borrowed time…these rats have no consideration for the law…it should have been good riddance…

  3. Our island has fallen.
    Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us.

    We will overcome by the Blood of Jesus Christ.

  4. Am I disillisioned to observe that young reckless and menacing motorcyclists are causing mayhem in this country? One has to countenance the traffic disaster in this country with a willing suspension of disbelief.

  5. Ok that’s it? Your reporting sucks, he was shot, what happened to he was treated and transported to hospital for further medical treatment or he succumb to his injury? By the way great job police.

  6. Yes especially the police do it that’s wat they wanna do ppl right now shot Getto fellers u could be in drugs or not

  7. Why are police carrying guns in this small country? I see a lot of policemen carrying weapons on their person. Some of them show-off with these deadly weapons. They seem to think that it is a badge of honour to do so. The citizens are arming themselves just like the police are doing and this can’t be right. I don’t think that ordinary police should be carrying pistols on them. There is already an arm response unit called the SSU which are assigned to do just that.

    This man was shot after allegedly reaching out for a weapon. That is the police’s version of events. We have to hear the victim’s side of the story. There are two sides to a coin and a story is never one sided. The Police in St Lucia have taken out loads of young men without due process. They have no compunction in doing so. They are never at fault and it is always the victim’s fault. I remember men like Coupyon from Vieux Fort and Yamaha in Vigie. These men were shot in cold blood without hesitation.

    If as they say that the young man was reaching out for a gun then there are other ways to stop him from reaching for a gun if that is what he was reaching out for in the first place. They could have surrounded him by making their armed presence felt – By doing so he would have cease from reaching out for anything. There would be no need for him to act foolishly.

    The police do NOT have any right to shoot people willy nilly. They have absolutely no right to do so. It is no wonder there are so many guns on the streets. The unlicensed fire arm holder seem to think that they have a right to bare arms in much the same way that the police are doing. That cannot be right. The Police and criminals should not be frightening the nation with their guns and ammunition.

  8. The person who got shot is a regular troublemaker, not his first time in jail. The whole family is trouble. And guess what, they are big SLP supporters, let me see who bites.

  9. We need to commend and thank the police for not shooting to kill. This young man is a menace to society by riding around in possession of an illegal gun. “Johnny you too bad.” He needs a lengthy vacation in prison.

  10. This man can consider him self lucky, in another country his family would be planning his funeral

  11. DEPOTISS JONES, you must be dreaming, you know nothing about the rules of engagement. ” there are other ways to stop him from reaching for a gun”? Are you for real? He’s lucky he only got shot in the leg after trying to shoot at armed police.

  12. To all the people who replied to Depitoss Jones, thank you. I, myself was too flabbergasted during and after reading that to post my own response.

  13. Why are you people supporting police shooting against the citizens of the country? I said it and I will say it again, the police in St Lucia have no right to shoot the people of the country unless their lives are being threatened. No one has the right to shoot unless it is in self defence. Far too often the police shoot to kill and they get away with it because the law is on their side.

    From what I am being told the man in question was reaching out for something and the police opened fire. How do we know what he was reaching out for? He probably could have been motioning for something else other than a gun. The police will naturally say that to defend themselves. The victim have not given his version of the story and until we hear both sides we should not be passing judgement. The police in St Lucia have a tendency to be truculent and aggressive. I have seen them in action before. They go on as if they are above the law. No man is above the law in St Lucia.

    Too many young men have lost their lives to police shooting and brutality and that needs to stop. We need Mr. Officer to cool down his temper and to stop beating up the citizens of St Lucia. No killing is justified, none whatsoever. Peace and Love.


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