The Government of Saint Lucia, through the Ministry of Commerce, Manufacturing, Business Development, Cooperatives and Consumer Affairs, has been engaged in the revision and development of policy, legislation and a regulatory framework for cannabis in Saint Lucia.
In keeping with these advancements, the Government of Saint Lucia will be hosting a two-day Cannabis Symposium from March 19 – March 20, 2024 as an open-ended regional policy discussion on matters relating to cannabis.
This symposium will afford relevant stakeholders and Cannabis Authorities within the region an opportunity to hold candid discussions on some of the issues and challenges experienced throughout the region.
From these brainstorming and information-sharing sessions, it is expected that an effective plan will be developed to address similar issues in Saint Lucia.
Officials from the Cannabis Licensing Authority of Jamaica, the Antigua and Barbuda Medicinal Cannabis Authority, the Medicinal Cannabis Authority of Federation of Saint Christopher (Saint Kitts) and Nevis, the Barbados Medicinal Cannabis Licensing Authority, the Regulated Substances Authority of Saint Lucia, and the Medicinal Cannabis Authority of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines are expected to actively participate in these discussions.
Subsequently, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) will be signed by the aforementioned parties, guided by a common interest to establish and maintain robust, inclusive and safe regimes surrounding cannabis cultivation, manufacturing, sale and use in the individual states of the region.
This MOU will, in effect, establish the Caribbean Cannabis Forum—a mechanism to encourage and host joint discussions on national, regional or international cannabis matters of relevance to the Caribbean region.
Senior Legal Officer in the Ministry of Commerce, Mr. Dylan Norbert-Inglis, in anticipation of the impact of the upcoming symposium, said: “The formation of the Caribbean Cannabis Forum will broaden the discourse and provide ready examples as to best practices based on tested models. We hope that any possible challenges will be identified early, so they can be adequately addressed prior to full implementation of Saint Lucia’s Cannabis Legislative Regime.”
SOURCE: Ministry of of Commerce, Manufacturing, Business Development, Cooperatives & Consumer Affairs
JAH gave every herb bearing seed for man’s meat
The law states three cannabis should be legal which I have no problem with but three trees is not enough for me as a cannabis user .
There should be law stating that as long as a user does not go in forest reserve or on private or crown lands that individual should plant enough to satisfy his self for a while entire year.
The medical use of weed has been proven so these individuals who planets on a subsistence basic should be given user cards.
I really appreciate the Prime Minister Honourable Philip J Pierre for his vision and my Government the St. Lucia Labor Party for being proactive in this very important venture ang JAH greatest BLESSINGS as we work toward the vision of the people
Gaslighting continues. So much brainstorming without action when the ship sailing
Many years too late to realise this herb is medicinal, and should not be abused. But at least, it is finally coming to light (no pun intended). Better late than never.
I sincerely hope that public education comes with this forum. Too many people have died, or acquired incurable physical conditions, from the mis-use of this important medical herb. It deserves much respect.
Cannabis as a controlled substance can be of benefit to SL’s economy ie medicinal cannabis. And growing for personal use only AFTER the age of 20 should be allowed. However a developing young adult should not be exposed to cannabis (or alcohol) as it affects brain development. Ever noticed the high number of (mostly male) brain affected individuals in SL & other Caribbean islands where people smoke herb & drink from a young age – psychosis & other mental health & psycho/social conditions??? There is a correlation…
Canada is producing so much marijuana that there is a glut on the market so even if we are allowed to plant it, it won’t sell as there will be to many producers as everyone is planting weed in their back yard …. Even lawyers , doctors and big business man are planting weed in cap estate…
There are a number of states doing this successfully in the US. Check Oregon for one. We should take note and do similarly. It helps provide safe and consistent products to customers, farmers earn a nice income, and the government gets their tax (of course). Everyone can win if done properly.
At least we are getting through, it’s the evolution of science and commonsense,why not follow the Canadian rules and policies and decriminalize Marijuana – Canibas… let’s open the market and collect the revenue as the tax to help our country forward..
It’s being said that the pooer countries that went through the COVID period will never make it back without many issues..
I endorse the attempts..
All forms of Government are illegal on the face of this Earth – Bob Marley
Fortunately I was witness to monitor the step by step progress which is very important to the welfare of our people in the region! The way to go!!!🫶🏾☮️🫶🏾🇱🇨🥊