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Caribbean Officials Hold Cannabis Talks In Saint Lucia


Regional officials from various Caribbean Community (CARICOM) states, united by their shared vision, gathered in Saint Lucia this week for an important two-day cannabis symposium.

The event at the Harbor Club in Rodney Bay allowed representatives to highlight the current situation with the cannabis movement in their countries.

Saint Lucia has already enacted legislation enabling individuals to possess 30 grams of marijuana and four plants per household.

During the symposium, Commerce Minister Emma Hippolyte emphasized that the Saint Lucia government prioritizes establishing a robust, inclusive, and safe cannabis industry.

Hippolyte, also responsible for Business Development, stressed the importance of having a high-quality cannabis product.

She viewed the Regulated Substance Authority as a “critical milestone” in establishing the industry.

According to the Minister, people who engage in illegal cannabis trading would have an opportunity to participate in a legitimate enterprise.

She also highlighted the promising direct economic spinoffs from the cannabis industry, which could potentially benefit cultivators, manufacturers, retailers, and producers, offering a new avenue for economic growth and development.


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