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Saint Lucia Represented At MSME International Event

The Minister for Commerce, Manufacturing, Business Development, Cooperatives and Consumer Affairs, Hon. Emma Hippolyte, led a delegation of public and private sector representatives from Saint Lucia at the eighth Inter-American Dialogue of High-Level MSME Authorities and Conference on Expanding International Market Opportunities for Micro, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs).
The conference was held in Washington DC from March 13-14.
Minister Hippolyte participated in a panel discussion addressing the challenges faced by women-owned enterprises, and emphasized the pressing need to provide them with access to finance.
Over the two days, participants engaged in networking and discussions relating to financing, digital transformation, technical support and other opportunities aimed at enhancing the MSME and broader business ecosystem in the Americas and the Caribbean.
The conference also highlighted the Small Business Development Centre (SBDC) model as a catalyst for growth and trade exports in the region, alongside considerations such as business incubation and digitalization.
Participation in the conference underscores the Ministry of Commerce’s ongoing commitment to fostering private sector development in Saint Lucia.
SOURCE: Ministry of Commerce

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  1. Emma still doing that? Sa pa las travel? Every business meeting overseas, Emma is there? Awa awa


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