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U.S Experts To Discuss Hurricane Preparedness In Saint Lucia


United States National Hurricane Center (NHC) experts will visit Saint Lucia on April 19 to discuss hurricane preparedness.

The visitors will also discuss hurricane resilience and how people can become weather-ready ahead of the hurricane season, which officially begins on June 1 and ends on November 30 annually.

Saint Lucia is one of four Caribbean countries the NHC officials and other experts will visit.

As part of their visit, the NHC personnel will conduct tours of the Air Force Reserve Command’s ‘Hurricane Hunter’ aircraft.

This state-of-the-art aircraft plays a pivotal role in collecting data about hurricanes, ensuring the accuracy of forecasts.

The Director of Saint Lucia’s Meteorological Services, Andre Joyeux, explained that military aircrews fly state-of-the-art aircraft directly into the storm’s core to gather critical data during hurricanes.

Weather experts use the data to forecast a storm’s intensity and landfall.

The NHC and other experts’ trip to Saint Lucia comes amid predictions of an above-average Atlantic hurricane season.


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  1. Yawning……Welcome Yankees have a Piton no it’s not a Phyton fools…… now what can you tell us about preparing for hurricanes…… you know this has been a way of life for us year in and year out since the days of Columbus. Will your government be offering us aid and assistance “after “ my solar panels and galvanized is blown off ? Will you please give our local forecaster (Ms what’s her name) precise info with all the fancy equipment you have on board ? We always loose a bridge could we have a temporary one so we can store it for a rainy day ? That’s does it for me. Oh send back your medical ship that Tropical Trump kiss you know what for like the last time


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