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Victim Of Fatal Police Shooting In Vieux Fort Identified


Police have identified the victim of a fatal officer-involved shooting in Vieux Fort on Tuesday as Jay-Z Joseph.

According to a police release, the nineteen-year-old was a New Village, Castries, resident.

The release said officers had responded to reports of armed males wearing face masks in Bruceville, Vieux Fort.

An ambulance conveyed the male police shot to St. Jude Hospital, where he succumbed despite medical interventions.

The police said they pursued but failed to apprehend another male individual.

A relative told reporters she learned the police shot Jay-Z in the leg, initially indicating that the injury was not life-threatening.

However, the relative said she also learned that the teenager bled to death during attempts to amputate his leg on Tuesday night.

“We just hear the boy die this morning there,” she lamented.

The relative described ‘Jay’ as an ‘okay boy’ who did not speak much but was always smiling.

“To me, he was not a dangerous person. I think it’s the friends he choose,” she stated.

The relative warned others against following bad company.

Another relative who spoke anonymously declared that the family intends to have the police account for the fatal shooting.

The Royal Saint Lucia Police Force (RSLPF) has said that the investigation into the matter is ongoing.


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  1. So why were they “trying to amputate the leg” in the night when he was shot in the morning and according to the previous news item “swiftly taken to the hospital for medical attention”?

  2. I guess he was a good boy … Its time that the police get rid of those cockroaches. I am sure that he has killed people in the past so the family are coming and defend him to say that it was the friends that he followed . I am sure that they was benefiting from his criminal activities

  3. I hope that his death serves as a reminder that the police is legally authorized to use deadly force when their lives or an one’s life is threatened. Terrorists have been terrorizing the massed in broad day light, wearing masks and brandishing guns. Those who live by the gun are most likely to die by it. It’s the choices we make that will most likely determine our demise.

  4. U leaving all Castries to go do shate in vieux fort and playing trying to defend u , good going officers spray all of DEM with bop

  5. If the parents won’t discipline them, then the law will do so. These termites are destroying the place from within. I tend to be sympathetic in the month July. His family member is a bit early.

  6. Really bake the police accountable… y dosent the family take a lil responsibility after all the boy n I think it’s important we say Boy , was im a mask with a fire arm and the end result is the only good thing that could have happened considering his choices . We have lost many innocent in this blood lust n he wasn’t one of them oh n on another note every family blames “ Bad company “ and it’s rarely admitted their blood was just that very thing they blame

  7. You wake up from your bed one morning and say to yourself, I will put on mask, arm myself with gun, go terrorize the residents of Vieux Fort and now family saying they will hold Police accountable. The audacity of these family members. I concur with some of the comments. If you behave like a vermin, cockroach, disease, virus, then the Police have the law and the medication for you. It’s a pity that the others don’t learn. God help this beautiful country of ours, ‘Guard her sons from woe and harm.’


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