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UNEX’ 24 Officers Respond To Gang Fight Simulation


The Regional Security System (RSS) Unity Exercise 2024 (UNEX 24), currently underway in Saint Lucia, simulated a gang fight at a music festival.

According to an RSS Facebook page post, UNEX ’24 participants responded to the simulated gang fight where gunshots were fired.

The event took place on Sunday at Pigeon Island.

The UNEX ’24 participants responded to an active shooter simulation on the same day.

The exercises in Saint Lucia also included drug raids, traffic checks, vehicle anti-ambush drills, and house raids, ensuring thorough preparation for potential security threats.

Over 200 military and police officials are involved in the UNEX 24 military exercises in Saint Lucia, including land-based maneuvers and sea operations.

The activity aims to improve mechanisms for regional cooperation within the RSS in response to security issues.

They include drug trafficking, terrorism, and other threats to border security.

The activities of the UNEX ’24 spread across Castries, Gros Islet, and Vieux Fort.

The RSS described the annual event as the primary tool for testing the efficiency of coordinating resource deployments to support the organisation’s eight-member states.

UNEX is being implemented under the RSS 11th European Development Fund project with the European Union and the Saint Lucia government.


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  1. Based on the current state of affairs in St. Lucia (758 aka 238 sq miles) – you guys need ALL THE TRAINING YOU CAN GET – for real. Godspeed.


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