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Warrant Of Arrest Issued For Balata Woman

A warrant of arrest in the first instance for the offence of wounding has been issued for Balata, Castries resident Kershama Faith Estephane.

A police notice has requested that anyone with information regarding Estephane’s whereabouts contact the nearest police station.

They may also dial the Crime Hotline at 555 or provide information anonymously using the Crime Hotline App.

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  1. @Doug Lewis. Of course, you are as your first name suggests. Now, she doing her thing and she going and hide. Throw her a$$ in jail for a very long time.

  2. Equal justice. No impartiality ! You do the crime therefore you spend the time. Check on her male associates.

  3. St lucia times!!!!
    You post this women picture who committed a crime.. but you can’t post pictures of all the bad criminals that’s killing people in st Lucia doing all illegal things so we can see who they are… people are bias

  4. I hopes she gets evaluated mentally as well. Mental illness sees no face and there is something seriously unstable about that one!

  5. Old Brains is correct …publish the pic of a youbg girl involved in a domestic dispute but cant publish the pics or murderers and shooters.
    The forward thinkers displaying the IQ again .

  6. Not only males are living a life of crime. There are female cockroaches who smoke crack cocaine, weed and drink alcohol and burst gun fire to as well

  7. @Old Brains. This is a police warrant. In essence, the police are searching for her. Have you seen her?
    She may not have appeared in court as demanded or court related activity. She “souf” the courts.

  8. A female cockroach from a broken home . Them young girls smoking crack cocaine and marijuana and drinking alcohol just like the young male thugs

  9. Her picture is posted up like a superhero, this trend should be followed by all alleged crime doers…what’s good for the goose is good for the gander…..nonsense.

  10. they are the ones carrying the guns for the criminals at bars and street parties because police hardly suspect them. so what is wrong I posting her. she looking good though lol.


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