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Marine Police Recover Body North Of Vigie Point


The Royal Saint Lucia Police Force (RSLPF) is seeking the assistance of the public, in identifying a male, who was recovered by the Police Marine Unit.

On Saturday, April 6, 2024, about 3:15 p.m. Officers attached to the Police Marine Unit, recovered the body of a deceased male, about a quarter mile to the north of Vigie Point. The body was later examined by a pathologist.

The body bears the following distinguishing marks:

  • A tattoo of the letter “K” on the upper left arm
  • A tattoo of “Popeye” (a depiction the cartoon character) on the left breast
  • A tattoo of the word “Popeye” written on the middle of the left arm
  • A tattoo of three stars and a football on the middle of the right arm

The Royal Saint Lucia Police Force urges anyone who may know, or may be able to provide any information leading to the identification of the deceased, to contact the Criminal Investigation Department at 456-3770; or the Crime Hotline at 555 or the Crime Hotline App available on Google Play Store, for anonymous reporting.

SOURCE: Royal Saint Lucia Police Force. Photo: Stock image.

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  1. Is this fishy or what???? Why is this story so delayed in getting reported by the police? For crying out loud, the body was discovered over 2 weeks ajo!!! “On Saturday, April 6, 2024, about 3:15 p.m., when officers attached to the Police Marine Unit, recovered the body of a deceased male, about a quarter mile to the north of Vigie Point”!!!

  2. lol – After two weeks. Is that still called News or should we call it history. Are they trying to hide the crime situation in SLU. In an attempt they might be causing more harm than good

  3. Agree with ya but this place from sea or land police to CID n magistrates. They to busy being just as dirty n lining their pockets or doing what they need for their own benefit. Until they start getting serious and collecting DNA for all arrests n having a data bank of repeat offenders n stiffer penalties nothing change. They already who do 90% of the crime yet always be under investigation n it’s sad to see. No justice at all at all. Less paperwork on their end and as you stated over 2 weeks ago. And PM their asking for help. Start by asking these other countries who don’t f@&k around n have no criminal friends come in and do the job the present force is inept of doing. Watch them catch these cowards n punish them proper one time. Time will tell but as the time goes so will the mysterious under investigation homicides. Condolences to the family on your loss. But this country to beautiful to be so. Dirt n corruption everywhere ya look.

  4. The person that does carry news to the Jamaican YouTuber should tell them about that crime as well as who did it.


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